Double Eleven activities have gone through 15 years.The e -commerce platform grinds Hoho. This year, he still shouted loud slogans and tried to make a lot of money from consumers through attractive preferential marketing.

E -commerce platform "Blood Fun" Low price

The fast -handed e -commerce platform took the lead in the first shot of this year's Double Eleven preferential event.E -commerce companies such as Tmall, Pinduoduo, and Xiaohongshu have joined this annual discount.

In order to stand in a dazzling discount promotion, various e -commerce platforms have shouted their own slogans.

Among them, launched a large -scale price reduction promotion and up to 10,000 yuan (RMB, below, about S $ 1890) subsidy red envelopes; Tmall promised to provide 80 million pieces of goods at the lowest price on the entire network;Duoduo, Xiaohongshu, and Douyin e -commerce have launched "single products decrease" and "not to make orders."

Reuters on Tuesday (October 31) quoted industry insiders that Alibaba also asked Tmall and Taobao merchants to launch products on the platform, which must be the lowest price of all platforms.If it is found to provide the same or lower pricing on other platforms, it will face the risk of losing traffic resources and active participants, and even kicked out of the platform.

Industry insiders described that it is not unusual to force merchants to comply with their prescribed.

Different from the rules that set the preferential activity time at 00:00 on November 11th, you need to make orders to enjoy the fog in the clouds and other clouds.The platforms have given up the "brain burning method" and "fight" at a low price in a more single knife.

It is unchanged that the low -cost strategy is the best choice for these e -commerce platforms.

Tmall announced the data showed that after the Tmall Double Eleven on the night was sold at 8 pm, Tmall's 155 brands on sale exceeded the turnover of 100 million yuan shortly;In the first hour after sale, the transaction volume exceeded the turnover of the Double Eleven last year.

Jingdong also achieved good results.The sales of nearly 30 brands last week (23rd) of the first week of sale exceeded 1 billion yuan; nearly 15,000 brand turnover increased by more than 5 times year -on -year, and nearly 9,000 brand turnover increased by more than 10 times year -on -year.

京东在今年双十一活动Get good results.The sales of nearly 30 brands last week (October 23) exceeded sales of 1 billion yuan.The picture shows the Jingdong advertising version of the Beijing citizen passed by the Double Eleven on October 26.(Reuters)

From the data of these large disks, the sales myth of Double Eleven will probably continue this year.However, many Chinese media have described it that the Double Eleven, which lasted for 15 years, seems to have been difficult to hide fatigue.The low -cost strategies of these e -commerce companies seem to have begun to "roll".

Facing Double Eleven Freshness

The main source of fatigue is probably the freshness that the Chinese people have faded away in the face of the Double Eleven activities.

A post -90s white -collar worker from Guangzhou said in an interview with the Times Weekly that she participated in the Double Eleven event for the first time in 2015. At that time, Double Eleven promoted the discount.However, in recent years, she has found that Double Eleven will no longer pursue simple spikes, and the gameplay is getting more and more around.

There are still many netizens vomiting, and the discounts of some platform merchants are not sincere enough."Some brands will even raise prices before Double Eleven, and when the node will be reduced to the original price, pretending to discount, in fact, there is no discount at all."

more and more brain -burning game rules and moreThe more lack of sincere preferential facilities, the freshness of consumers' freshness for Double Eleven.Compared with complex routines, they are more inclined to simple and clear price reduction rules.

The survey initiated by the Southern Metropolis Daily last Saturday (28th) showed that 48.51%of the interviewees were disturbed by the "routine" of many e -commerce channels for a long time.As an important criterion for judging, compared to the "lowest price" that can be achieved by repeated calculations and orders, many consumers prefer direct price reduction and full reduction.

However, it is not just an online e -commerce platform that knows how to reduce prices. Offline supermarkets have also joined the price war camp this year.

Yonghui, Hema, and even the old BBK supermarkets have "stealing teachers" this year from the online platform to launch price reduction products in the store.Among them, Yonghui opened a discount store in the store, and step by step high -step transformation discount stores, and Hema focuses on "different online and offline price".

Many offline supermarkets this year also also this year also offline supermarkets also this year.Join the ranks of price reductions to attract customers for consumption.The picture shows the limited discount area of ​​Yonghui Supermarket in the Lulu store in Beijing.(Internet)

According to media reports, from the perspective of various publicity strategies, the purpose of these supermarket prices is not only to compete with colleagues, but also a share with the online e -commerce platform to allow offline supermarketsRetrieve fireworks.

Some media even said that some offline supermarkets can find cheaper products. This year, e -commerce may "be unable to do the supermarket."

Faced with the competition of physical supermarkets, e -commerce can only take more aggressive price reductions.

Consumption downgrade promotes the price war?

In addition to market factors, it is possible to drive e -commerce platforms to get farther and farther in low -cost routes. I am afraid that there are still Chinese people's consumption concepts that have long been transformed.

Affected by more than three years of crown disease epidemic, coupled with the subsequent real estate crisis, the Chinese people's confidence in the prospects of economic recovery has become even worse.To this end, they are more inclined to reduce expenditure and increase savings.

Data released by the Bank of China in July shows that home bank deposits increased by 11.91 trillion yuan in the first half of this year, an increase of 10 years.Against the background of Chinese state -owned banks to reduce deposit interest rates many times, the phenomenon of surge in deposits of people is particularly abnormal.

This also reflects that "consumption downgrade" has become a new trend for young people in China.Righteous consumption, fine calculation, and cost -effectiveness are keywords that they emerge in their brains before paying for money. This has also become the main reason for the recent outbreak of price wars in many fields.

Chinese young consumer group has set off one to set off a one of Chinese consumer groups.The new trend of stock consumption downgrade, they tend to consume rational consumption and take care of them.The picture shows Hangzhou citizens on September 22Diet at a shopping mall.(Reuters)

One of the examples is: Chinese coffee chain brand Ruixing Coffee defeated Starbucks' fame with a low price advantage.During the war.

In order to compete with Ruixing coffee, the store set up Kurodi near Ruixing in February this year to reduce the price of latte to 9.9 yuan, forcing Ruixing to follow up the price and promise not to increase the price within two years.After half a year, Kudy further reduced the price of latte to 8.8 yuan.

The effect of these 1 yuan cannot be ignored.In less than a year, Kudy opened more than 5,800 stores in China with a low price advantage, and the average daily sales of each store exceeded 400 cups.

Expansion, less than 5,800 stores in China in less than a year, with an average daily sales of more than 400 cups per store.(Internet)

The same phenomenon can also be seen in the field of electric vehicles and catering.

Some companies are still seeing opportunities during the relegation consumption tide.A day in China and overseas markets.

Low prices are not only a strategy for Chinese companies to seize the market, but also reflect the increasingly farther and farther consumption of Chinese people's consumption.

The 2023 McKinsey Chinese Consumer Report released in December last year wrote: "This trend is not a simple anti -material consumption, but trying to grasp consumer autonomy, not binded by materialism, and define the direction of independent definition."

Sina hotspot voting on Weibo on October 31 shows that half of the 1122 voters, half (557) people's budgets in the double eleven event this year are less than 200 yuan, only 191 peopleThe budget is more than 2,000 yuan.

Although the price war of infinite bottoming has weakened the profit space of many e -commerce platforms, especially the traditional e -commerce platform that occupies the disadvantage in the price war.But for an e -commerce platform that is urgently needed to return to the former glory, there seems to be not many options left on the hand.

The problem is that the consumption concept of Chinese people has changed, and various e -commerce platforms still cannot escape the logic of low prices and price reductions, and indulge in a limited game aimed at winning the goal.

The return of the Chinese people's consumption desire may help e -commerce platforms to win in this limited game, but limited games will eventually usher in the final day.Whether these e -commerce platforms can continue to create myths in the Double Eleven activities next year and even the next few years will depend on how they develop an infinite game with a longer -term and creative.It can surpass the low -cost dilemma and can also ignite the strategic pattern of consumer desire.