In response to the collision of roller vehicles in the Happy Valley Tourism Company of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town, the State Administration of Market Supervision of the China State Administration of Market Supervision on Tuesday (October 31), together with the Office of the State Council's Security Committee and the State Council of the State Council, jointly interview Overseas Chinese Town Group Co., Ltd.

According to the China News Agency, interviews and interviews pointed out that a large -scale amusement facilities in Shenzhen Happy Valley Tourism Company, Shenzhen, causing multiple people to be injured, exposing the responsibility of the safety subject, poor safety management, risks, risks, risks, risksInadequate prevention and control, inaccurate reporting of accident information, etc., have caused adverse social impacts, and the lessons are extremely profound.

Interview requirements, OCT Group Co., Ltd. must urge Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Happy Valley Tourism Company to do their best to do a good job of treatment, cooperate with the accident investigation, profoundly learn the lessons of the accident, and fully implement the responsibility of corporate security.In contrast, we must conduct a comprehensive investigation and rectification of hidden dangers to the subordinate amusement parks, effectively strengthen the safety management of special equipment such as large -scale amusement facilities, resolutely prevent the occurrence of specialty accidents, keep the safety bottom line of special equipment to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

The relevant personnel of the Guangdong and Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau participated in the interview.

The roller coaster collision occurred on October 27, Shenzhen Happy Valley theme park, causing 28 people to be injured.According to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone report, the daily maintenance of the equipment involved was responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment, and the last test date was June this year.