On the day of the roller coaster, 28 people were injured.

Some tourists broke the news that it was not the first time that the roller coaster had a roller coaster.According to the Beijing News, the operating period of roller coaster is generally 10 years, and the equipment of Happy Valley has been used for 11 years.In addition, on the day and third days after the accident, the number of injured people announced from 8 to 28, which also made netizens feel that the accident had no doubts.

At present, the official is conducting an accident investigation and safety investigation. As the above doubts have not been answered, everyone has turned their attention to the parent company of Happy Valley, and the central enterprise Overseas Chinese City Real Estate.

On the day of the accident, the Real Estate of OCT also released a three -quarter report, showing that the loss of 3.347 billion yuan (RMB in the first three quarters, the same below, a new dollar of S $ 625 million), and the net profit decreased by 560%year -on -year.The company has declined sharply due to poor sales of real estate projects and losses in the joint venture.

Some netizens speculate that the poor financial financial financial has affected the operation of the park, but there is no evidence to prove this connection.OCT issued an announcement in the early morning of Monday (October 30), saying that the accident had an impact on the company's overall production and operation.After the opening on Monday, the company's stock price once fell 2.7%, closing 1.88%.

Investors are worried that this security accident will interrupt the recovery of the tourism business of OCT. At the same time, they are also worried whether the cultural tourism income can help support the central enterprise.In fact, other real estate companies that once laid out cultural tourism projects, such as Wanda, Evergrande, and Sunac, have to give up the cultural tourism business because of the main business of real estate sales.

Former Model

OCT Real Estate, as China's largest cultural tourism real estate enterprise, tourism and real estate is the main source of business.However, in 2022, the crown disease epidemic led to the control of various places, superimposed real estate credit tightening, which impacked the main business of OCT. As a result, the company had a loss of losses from profit for the first time in 15 years, with a loss of 10.9 billion yuan.

This year's tourism recovers. In the first three quarters, the cultural tourism enterprises under OCT received a total of 72.47 million tourists, an increase of 55%year -on -year, and resumed to 148%in the same period of 2019.

The tourism business has been greatly improved, and it still fails to cover a gap in poor real estate sales.In the first nine months of this year, the cumulative contract sales area of ​​OCT had a total of 1.5.41 million square meters, a decrease of 23%compared with the same period last year.As of the end of September, the asset -liability ratio of OCT has removed the asset -liability rate of 73%and the net debt ratio was 108%.

Overseas Chinese City, headquartered in Shenzhen, started with the "Fairview China" project, combining cultural tourism and real estate, once it was a benchmark for other real estate companies.The overseas Chinese city model is specifically speaking. After low -cost land in non -core areas in various cities, the investment and development of tourism projects such as theme parks. Through the spillover effect brought by tourism projects, the adjacent real estate appreciates, and then through real estate through real estateSales quickly cash.

But the revenue of cultural tourism tickets is a lot of money compared to real estate sales.Titanium media reports that the revenue of Purewen Travel, which is mainly based on tickets, accounts for less than 25%.As a result, in those years when the real estate market was hot, the land was taken on the grounds of cultural tourism, and it became a trend with real estate projects.

Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town City will cultural tourism and cultural tourism and cultural tourism and cultural tourism and cultural tourism and tourism and tourism and tourism and tourism and tourism and tourism of Overseas Chinese Town.The combination of real estate was once a benchmark for other real estate companies.(Internet)

"The skin is not existed, Mao will be attached"

Before the adjustment period of real estate in China entered the 2021, except OCT, Wanda, Evergrande, Sunac, etc.Many real estate companies have also invested in cultural tourism real estate. The investment targets include, but not limited to hotels, parks, and cultural towns.

Liu Zhaohui, the founder and chairman of Chianhui Group, posted a post in July last year that the common points of Evergrande, Jiazhaoye, Country Garden, World Trade, Jianye, Sunac, Bao Neng, etc.They all lay out cultural tourism projects.

He pointed out that from 2018 to 2021, most real estate companies have established cultural tourism companies, but most of the cultural tourism projects they developed unsuccessful."Buying IP, saving teams, telling stories, fake and fake operations, and basically how to sell houses in your mind."

As these real estate companies fall into the crisis of liquidity, cultural tourism assets willWill be stripped and find the next home.For example, Jiazhaoye Group sells its Jinshawan International Paradise Project to Western Trust. Jianye Group sells its Huayi Brothers Film Town and "Only Henan · Drama Phantom City" to Henan state -owned assets, and Sunac sells Shenzhen Bingxuewen Travel City to state -ownedHuafa Co., Ltd. and so on.

The above -mentioned equity sale is basically transferred to trusts and state -owned enterprises.However, the cultural tourism project is often just the beginning, and the later operation is the problem.Whether a trust company and state -owned enterprise can continue to operate well, it is still a question mark.

Those who have not found the receipt and the project has not been completed, it may become a rotten project.

The bad cultural tourism project

The typical example is Evergrande.In 2017, Evergrande held a press conference in Guangzhou, announcing that it would build the world's top theme park. Within five years, 15 cities will be deployed in China to deploy the "Evergrande Children's World" project.Tourism consumption reaches more than 20 billion yuan.

According to the media's "New Tourism", the Evergrande Cultural Tourism Town Project, which actually started, has a total of 17. Since Evergrande, the cultural tourism parts of these projects areIn terms of shelving.Among them, the construction of the tourism city, which started construction to half of Guiyang, has also become a "bad city."Some netizens said that the surrounding houses were sold to 12,000 yuan a flat, and even 5,000 now.

NetizensGuiyang Evergrande Cultural Tourism City.(Internet)
Nothing uploaded by netizensThe Evergrande Children's World Project, which is managed, is the child's world in Jurong, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, and on the right is the child world of Ezhou, Hubei.(Internet)

It is reported that the attitude of the local government is to ensure the residential building of the residential building, the cultural tourism section, and some governments have stated that they will wait for Evergrande's plan, and others expressed their hope to recreate."Wait for the completion of the residential area, and the advancement of commercial projects depends on the situation."However, how long this "depends on the situation" will last, whether the future cultural tourism projects will continue to advance, it is still unknown for all places.

These projects often fall in the satellite city of big cities, or in third -tier cities, and the amount of investment in each project is almost tens of billions. For local governments, it is difficult to solve it by itself.

Unlike the preservation building, cultural tourism projects are not directly related to people's livelihood. As far as priority is concerned, it is ranked after the preparation.Earlier, a person close to Evergrande told the Caizhong News Agency that Evergrande's houseThere are not many rotten conditions in the project. The rotten real estate is mainly cultural tourism projects in Kunming, Guiyang and other places.

During the high growth of the real estate industry, in the face of hundreds of millions of investment and potential tourism prosperity promised by the company, it is difficult for local governmentsEssenceThe "Tourism+Real Estate" model is in a endgame. The lesson that the local government can learn from it is that when attracting promotion for the cultural tourism project, you need to evaluate the risks and the ability of cultural tourism operations itself.Vision.