Fan Wenzhen, former deputy inspector of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources, was expelled from the Communist Party of China for serious disciplinary violations.

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on Monday (October 30), with the approval of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee was seriously violated by Fan Wenzheng, former deputy inspector of the Beijing Municipal Land and Resources BureauA review and investigation was conducted.According to the report, after investigation, Fan Wenzheng was unfaithful to the party and was unreasonable and consciously worked as a confrontation with organizational review; it was better to explain the problem during the organizational letter and reported personal matters.Practice private interest; use the convenience of positions, seek benefits for others, and illegally accept huge property of others.

After studying and reporting to the Beijing Municipal Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Fan Wenzheng was expelled from the party; the retirement benefits they enjoyed in accordance with regulations were canceled;The agency reviews and prosecution according to law, and the property involved is transferred.

In March of this year, the news released by the Beijing Discipline Inspection Commission's Supervisory Committee showed that Fan Wenzheng, deputy inspector of the former Land and Resources Bureau of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation.

Public information shows that the 65 -year -old Fan Wenzheng was the deputy secretary of the disciplinary inspection of the party committee of Chaoyang District at the district -level organs, deputy secretary of the party committee, disciplinary committee, township chief of Disciplinary Committee, and the head of the Chaoyang District.Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee (Township Party Committee) and Director of the Office (Township) (Township), deputy secretary of the Chaoyang District Committee Olympic Village Regional Working Committee (township party committee), director (township) director (township) and Beijing Olympic Forest Park ManagementDeputy Director of the Committee.In March 2005, he served as secretary and director of the Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Land and Resources Bureau.