Wang Tong, vice chairman of the China National Innovation and Development Strategic Research Association and dean of the China Institute of Development, believes that when boosting the confidence of the private economy, we must pay attention to the role of the system and the legal system.Long -term confidence in the economy.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, Wang Tong's Sunday (October 29) was proposed on the sub -forum on the Global Economic Development and Security Forum on the Boao Forum for Asia.Zhenxin is a systematic project that involves all aspects of work.

Wang Tong believes that enterprises are the economic cells of society. Whether entrepreneurs maintain full confidence and good expectations in the future are of great significance to economic growth and social development.He also pointed out that although there are still various difficulties, the dawn has appeared.

Regarding social expectations, Wang Tong mentioned that the recent two years of surveys showed that the current market has shown that "long -range expectations are better but recently expected to be weak, macro expectations are better"Troubleshooting.

As for a series of policy portfolio boxing recently introduced, Wang Tong believes that these policies have achieved good results, but they still need to make greater efforts in terms of policy effectiveness and operation management to more effectively effectivelyInspiring, encouraging confidence, establishing active expectations and promoting their self -realization.

Wang Tong pointed out that government departments should further enhance the transparency of policy tools and operating mechanisms, especially the transparency of structural policy operations, and further shape a certain environment in interaction, in order to "eliminate doubts and improve expectations to improve expectations, Gathering the heart. "At the same time, before introducing major policies, we must first do a good job of market communication, and pay attention to the coordination of the policy formulation departments.

Wang Tong emphasized that it is necessary to attach importance to the role of the system and the legal system, and we must use good law and good to improve the long -term confidence in the private economy.He proposed that it is necessary to continue to optimize the stable, fair and transparent development environment, and fully stimulate the vibrant vitality of the private economy; it must be implemented in place from legal and institutions, and in terms of market operations, the protection of property rights in production, etc., all domestic ownership in ChinaEnterprises and ownership enterprises look at them.

Wang Tong also said that with a good system and law, it requires good implementation to truly play a role."To let the system and law truly escort the efficient economic development, especially to escort private enterprises and small and medium -sized enterprises, it also needs unremitting efforts."