Pakistani RMB liquidation bank opened in the capital Islamabad.The opening ceremony was held on Friday (October 27) in Islamabad, marking the official launch of the Pakistani RMB clearing bank.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Pakistani caregiver government Minister of Finance Shamand Aktar, Pakistan Central Bank President Jamille Ahmed, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Jiang Zaidong, Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaVice President Zhang Weiwu and other representatives attended the ceremony held on the same day.

The Pakistani RMB liquidation bank is authorized by the People's Bank of China to be authorized by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Karachi Branch.

Jiang Zaidong said that the opening of the Pakistani RMB clearing bank will provide financial support for China -Pakistan to promote the "Belt and Road" cooperation.China will build the "upgraded version" of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor with Pakistan, and make positive contributions to high -quality co -construction of the "Belt and Road".

Zhang Weixu said that the RMB liquidation bank will further promote the cooperation between the two countries in the financial field, promote the development of the trade in the two countries, support the construction of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor, and achieve mutual benefit and win -win situation between the two countries.

The Pakistani Dawn report reported that Jamille Ahmad believes that the use of RMB to perform clearing economic and financial connections for cross -border trade and investment transactions with China.