Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Saturday (October 14) with Saudi Foreign Minister Fasal, saying that Israel has surpassed the scope of self -defense with Harbin conflict, and should be acknowledged to stop the Saudi Strip.Collective punishment of the people.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the official website that Wang Yi emphasized in the call that China opposes and condemn all behaviors that harm civilians, because this violates the basic conscience of human beings and violates the basic guidelines for international law."Israel's behavior has surpassed the scope of self -defense. We should seriously listen to the call of the international community and the Secretary -General of the United Nations and stop collective punishment on the people of Gaza."

Wang Yi urged all parties not to take any action to upgrade the situation, but should return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, and said that China is communicating intensively with all parties to promote the suspension of fire.The priority is to ensure the safety of civilians, open the humanitarian rescue channel as soon as possible, and maintain the basic needs of the people of the Gaza.

Wang Yi said that China believes that the historical injustice of Palestine has continued for more than half a century and can no longer continue.All countries that hobbies and fairness and fairness should be loud, and they are clearly required to implement the "two countries' programs" as soon as possible.China is willing to work with the Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia. "Continue to support Palestinian's right to restore national rights, promote the Palestinian issue to return to the correct track of the" two countries 'programs', and get comprehensive, fair and long -term solution. "

Wang Yi also appointment with US Secretary of State Brills on the same day.Wang Yi described Palestinian -Israeli conflict and facing the risk of out of control.China believes that maintaining its own safety cannot hurt innocent civilians.There is no way out of military means, and violence can only cause a vicious circle.

Wang Yi emphasized that when dealing with hot issues in international regions, large powers should adhere to objective and fair, keep calm and restraint, and take the lead in compliance with international law.The United States should effectively play a constructive role and promote the problem to return to the track of political solutions as soon as possible.