The senior representative of the EU Foreign and Security Policy Borelli, Berry, co -hosted a high -level strategic dialogue with the Politburo of the Communist Party of China with the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing.Berrely said after the meeting that Europe would manage relations with China in constructive and responsible ways; Wang Yi promised that China would provide a more convenient business environment in European enterprises.

Berrei and Wang Yi held a high -level strategic dialogue on the State Guest House of Beijing on Friday.This dialogue mechanism is generally held every year, but last year was suspended due to cold when China -Europe relations were cold.This is also the first high -level strategic dialogue between China and Europe after the epidemic.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Berry said at a joint press conference that Europe is committed to managing bilateral relations with China in a "constructive and responsible way".

But he asked China to use his influence on Russia to stop the Russian and Ukraine War and extend the food agreement.However, he also mentioned that so far, China has not provided Russia's direct military support.

The European Union launched an anti -subsidy survey on the import of Chinese electric vehicles last month; in response, Burrely said that any measures that the EU may take will be "precise, commensurate and in line with international obligations."

He emphasized that the European Union is committed to maintaining one of the most open economies in the world. "We don't want to be a protector, but sometimes we must protect it";Expected openness. "

Berley also emphasized at Peking University earlier that the trade deficit of more than 426 billion US dollars (about S $ 580.4 billion) must be corrected on the day of the two sides.The speed may indeed exceed expectations.

Wang Yi described it at a press conference that China -EU relations are extensive and increasingly complicated, but there is no fundamental conflict of interest. It is the primary partner.

He said that the two sides had a "comprehensive, frank and friendly" talks, and also reached an important consensus.China attaches importance to Europe's trade concerns and will provide EU companies with a more convenient business environment in Chinese companies.

In addition, in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Wang Yi said that the United Nations should play its role on solving the Palestinian issue, and the correct way to solve the Palestinian Palestinenegotiation.

But Wang Yi also said that the root cause of the conflict lies in the desire of Palestine's establishment of an independent country for a long time.

Berrely reiterated its condemnation of Hamas and said that the only stable solution was the "two -country plan".

Berrely visited Huawei for three days this time. After arriving in Shanghai on Thursday, he met with European companies and discussed with scholars of the Shanghai International Institute.This trip was also regarded as the European Commission Chairman Feng Delin's visit to China at the end of the year.

For Berrey's conversation on Friday, Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science, a successful university in Taiwan, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that this is the EU's position on Beijing's two levels of political and economic and trade.

But he believes that the European Union does not expect how much concessions will Beijing ’s political aspects such as the Russia and Ukraine War, so the focus of Berreley is to pressure economic and trade issues.

Wang Hongren infer that in order to promote the meeting of China -EU leaders at the end of the year, the two sides will definitely make concessions on economic and trade issues.And compared to the more closed schedule when the US Treasury Minister Yellen and the Minister of Commerce Raymond visited China, Berrey was able to make a public speech at Peking University at Peking University.The European Union may have a significant sign of concessions.