For information on the Internet, some parents of some parents in Danyang City, Jiangsu Province bought bed at their own expense, and the Danyang Education Bureau responded on Friday (October 13) that the school has ordered the school to refund the cost of bed.

Some media recently reported that students in the 8th Middle School of Danyang City, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province need to spend 2,300 yuan (about 432 yuan) to buy four -person beds, which has caused heated discussions.According to the local propaganda department, a reporter from learned that the education department has been involved in investigating the matter.

According to, a teacher at the Eighth Middle School of Danyang City said in an interview that the 10 people and four -person accommodation of the school did not charge, and the specific situation did not understand.Another school staff said that 10 people in school dormitories are free, and the four rooms are registered with the family committee and class teacher, and it has been counted in the summer.The school is only responsible for providing venues and helping statistics. Specific communication manufacturers to buy beds and decoration shall be coordinated by the Family Committee.

A reporter from went to the entrance of the Eighth Middle School of Danyang City on Thursday (12th). Seeing that multiple departments came one after another, but the relevant departments and the school refused to be interviewed.Subsequently, the reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Danyang Municipal Party Committee that the local education bureau has entered the school and the relevant situation is under investigation.

The Danyang Education Bureau announced on Friday on the situation of some parents of some parents in the city's eighth middle school. After learning about the online relevant information, the bureau immediately sent an investigation team to the school to investigate and verify.

After investigation, some parents of the school proposed to buy the beds on their own to go to bed to improve the requirements of students' accommodation conditions.The committee is spontaneously organized and purchased uniformly.The behavior is contrary to the principle of education fairness and violates education charging policies.

The Education Bureau of Danyang City ordered the eighth middle school to meet with all the parents of the accommodation students to refund the cost of bed, showing that the school's attitude to correct the wrong behavior and allocate educational resources fairly to ensure that all accommodation students have the same accommodation conditions.

The Danyang Education Bureau will follow the facts and relevant regulations to seriously deal with the school's responsible persons, and conduct a comprehensive investigation in the city's education system for this issue, clarify the functions of the family committee, and cit the three, lead three, cited the three, cites itThink of the precepts, resolutely maintain the fairness and justice of education.