The suspected abusing nurse refused to cooperate with the investigation. The Chinese woman was charged with six controls in the morning on Friday (October 13). She said in the court, "I plead guilty, I apologize."

This farce occurred at 2:36 am on October 10th./Story20231013-1442199 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Singapore Central Hospital conflicts with the nurse when seeking medical treatment , suspected of exploding the nurse and refusing to cooperate with the investigation.

The defendant was controlled by a black shirt on Friday morning through the video system. She was wearing long hair and black -frame glasses, and her face was a little embarrassed.

She was charged with six control, including one public trouble, two conflicts to prevent harassment laws, and three crimes against the private security industry.

The prosecution pointed out that if the defendant intentionally pleaded guilty, they would conduct trials for four of them, and the remaining two controls were considered by the judge when they were sentenced.In this regard, the defendant said directly: "I plead guilty, I apologize."

When the judge asked the defendant if he would hire a lawyer, the defendant asked if he did not ask the lawyer to plead guilty early and whether he could get a lighter punishment. The judge explained that he pleaded guilty early, which was conducive to reducing crimes.

The defendant expressed his understanding that the judge exhibited the case until October 25, and also approved her to release it for 15,000 yuan.