Regarding the revocation of English major in the University of Science and Technology of China, the staff of the school responded that the move was the need for discipline optimization settings.

According to the surging news on Friday (October 13), the official website of the Chinese University of Science and Technology issued a public announcement on the website of 6 undergraduate majors such as "English", according to the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of China on the development of 2023The notice of the undergraduate major of general colleges and universities on the requirements of the undergraduate majors in the adjustment and revocation of undergraduate majors, the school intends to apply for the withdrawal of six undergraduate majors in English, communication, archeology, communication engineering, software engineering, and environmental sciences to the Ministry of Education.

The relevant person in charge of the Academic Affairs Office of the University of Science and Technology explained on Thursday that this publicity is based on objective facts. Many majors have been in a state of facts before. Now a programmatic operation is the need for discipline optimization.

The person in charge also said that the proposed revocation of English is also based on the procedures for the cultivation of the professional talent training. "The school set up a bachelor's degree in literature, which was not in line with the talent training and positioning of the Chinese University of Science and Technology."He said that this is the two problems with the decoupling of English level 4 and 6 in English in the society, which cannot be compared.

A member of a Chinese University of Science and Technology's enrollment group said in an interview that the English major of the University of Science and Technology of China has not been enrolled for a long time, and the dissemination of the studies and the master's in the past two years are gradually not recruiting.I don't know why it is proposed to cancel archeology.Essence

The China University of Science and Technology was founded in 1958. It was the first key university listed in the 985 project (the best 39 universities in China) in the 1990s. In 2017, it was selected as a world -class university by the Ministry of Education of China.