Guangzhou released the new regulations for "release" management of wild animals, which detailed species that must not be released illegally.

According to the news of the "Guangzhou People's Congress" WeChat public account on Friday (October 13), the management regulations of wild animals in Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as the provisions) will be implemented from November 1.

上述规定第四条详细列明不得违法放生的物种,包括鳄雀鳝、豹纹翼甲鲶、齐氏罗非鱼、淡水白鲳、食蚊鱼、埃及塘鲺、Thai catfish, crocodile turtles, red ears turtles, American bullfrogs, and other overseas wild animal species.

It stipulates that no organization or individual may release wild animals at will. Played wild animals should choose local species suitable for survival in the field of release.Or endangers ecosystems.

It also requires that the forestry department and the municipal agricultural and rural departments of Guangzhou shall formulate and update the local species list of wild animals that are suitable for the survival of the place where they are released in the past.Any organization or individual who finds wild animals in violation of the law has the right to report through the 12345 platform and other methods.The district forestry department and the district agricultural and rural departments shall check and deal with their respective responsibilities.