an Israeli diplomat was reportedly attacked in Beijing, China.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the diplomat worked in the Israeli embassy in Beijing and was attacked in Beijing on Friday (October 13). The place of the incident was not close to the embassy.

It is reported that the diplomat has been taken to the hospital for treatment and is currently stable.

According to Reuters, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Friday and confirmed the above news.

The Palestinian armed organization Hamas launched the largest attack on Israel for many years on Saturday (7th).The Pakistani conflict has killed more than 2,700 people.

The special envoy of the Chinese government Middle East Zhai Yan on Thursday (12th) and the deputy chief director of the Asia -Pacific affairs, Rafael Harpaz, who were responsible for the Asia -Pacific affairs, condemned the behavior of harming the innocent civilians, and called forStop fire as soon as possible.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday that in a call with the special envoy of the Chinese Middle East, Israel has not condemned Hamas's weekend's weekend, which is deeply "disappointed."