JD Friday (October 13) Hong Kong stock market plummeted nearly 13%.The sudden plunge in the stock price triggered market speculation.The JD spokesman issued a statement on the afternoon that he was concerned that there was a rumor that "the businessman of the surname of Liu was suspected of being caught in illegal" and had reported the case to the public security organs.

The JD spokesman said in the statement that "the businessman of Liu was suspected of being arrested in violation of the law" was deliberately published under the news of JD.com to confuse audiovisual and manipulate public opinion.The company expressed strong indignation of this bad behavior and had reported the case to the public security organs.

Comprehensive Securities Times and First Financial Daily reported that from the perspective of the trend of the stock price, the stock price of JD.com has continued to decline this year.

Jingdong Port's stock price has suffered the largest decline since this year.As of the break in the morning, the stock price of JD Hong Kong stocks fell 12.06%to HK $ 103.5 (about S $ 18.1).

In addition to JD.com, other companies in JD.com have also declined.In the morning market, JD.com's health stock price fell 4.33%to HK $ 38.65, and JD logistics stock price fell 4.15%to HK $ 9.48.

In addition, a number of international banks have recently lowered the Jingdong rating collectively.McGear rated JD Group's Hong Kong stocks to neutrality, with a target price of HK $ 124; the JD Group's US stock ADR rating was lowered to neutrality, and the target price was 32 US dollars.Morgan Stanley rated the Jingdong Group ADR rating to a flat match, with a target price of $ 33.

Nomura published a report, and the third quarter revenue of Jingdong-SW increased by 1%year-on-year to 246 billion yuan (about S $ 46 billion).It is also 3%lower than the market expected 254 billion yuan.It is estimated that JD's retail revenue will be flat at 212 billion yuan year by year, which is 4%lower than the market expectations of 220 billion yuan, and the retail business operating profit margin is 4.8%.