According to the news of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region on Saturday (July 29), Ren Houming, member of the Standing Committee of the Changdu Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Carto District Committee of Tibet, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently under review and investigation.

Public information shows that Ren Houming, a 52 -year -old, is a Sichuan Xuanhan native. He has been working in Qamdo. He used to be the secretary of the Wuqi County Party Committee.In July 2015, Ren Houming, then the secretary of the Chaya County Party Committee, was also the title of "National Outstanding County Party Secretary".

According to reports, the first county cadre and staff meeting held by Ren Houming after the secretary of the Wuqi County Party Committee said: "When the county party committee was selected and used cadres, when the county government arranged the project construction, I wasI will not collect a red envelope, and I will not open a back door. Everyone here can supervise me. "

At the end of 2018, Ren Houming was promoted to the Vice Chairman of the CPPCC. In December 2020, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.If the district party secretary was investigated until this.

Abu, who was the former secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee, was the member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee.From April to December 2020, he served as the secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee, was investigated in May 2021, and was doubled in February 2022.

Ze Renjunmei served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the United Front Work Department from February 2019 to May 2022. He took the initiative to vote in June 2022 and was opened in November.