When talking about Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia, Qin Gang, a Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that China does not have political private interests and does not engage in geopolitical.

According to the China News Agency, Xi Jinping conducted a state visit to Russia from March 20th to 22nd at the invitation of Russian President Putin.At the end of the trip, Qin Gang introduced this visit to accompanying reporters.

Qin Gang said that this visit was exactly the Ukrainian crisis delayed and upgraded, and the spillover effect continued to appear. Most countries were worried, calling for the constant accumulation of peace and rational sounds that advocated ceasefire and stopping the war.Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, China has always adhered to an objective and fair position and actively persuaded and promoted talks.Ukraine also actively evaluated the efforts of China to promote the ceasefire and stop war, expressed their attention to the friendship between China and Ukraine, and maintained communication with China.

Qin Gang said that China is neither a manufacturer of the Ukraine crisis nor a person in the crisis, but the advocate of the crisis of politics, the promoter of persuasion and talk.Due to geopolitical and private interests, some countries have accumulated their efforts to obstruct the efforts of peace talks, and even make various rumors fallacy to attack China.But fairness and heart.Who is seeing the knife arch fire, who is persuading and talk, the world is obvious to all.

Qin Gang said that China ’s claims are clear and consistent, choose peace between peace and war; choose dialogue between dialogue and sanctions; choose between cooling and arch fire, choose to cool down.China does not have political private interests, does not engage in geographical exercise, and sincerely committed to persuasion and talk, promoting the ceasefire and stopping the war, reflecting the responsibility of China's responsible country.It is in line with the interests and expectations of most people in the world including Russia and Ukraine.

Xi Jinping held a formal talks with Putin on Tuesday. In the joint statement, the two sides emphasized that the Ukrainian crisis must be resolved through peace talks.Kuri, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said at the White House press conference that day that if China wants to play a constructive role in the Ukraine issue, it should urge Russia to stop the invasion of Ukraine.The White House criticized China to repeat Russia's advocacy, that is, the United States and other Western countries should be responsible for the war.The White House also shows that China does not think that China can just be the mediation of the Russian -Ukraine conflict.