Singapore and China also signed a memorandum of understanding to confirm the substantial completion of the follow -up negotiations of the upgrade of the free trade agreement between the two countries.Later, the two countries will sign the subsequent negotiations later this year. After that, the upgraded version of the new China Free Trade Agreement will launch the final approval before effective.

When the new Prime Minister Li Xianlong conducted a formal visit to China, the new China and China issued a joint statement, announcing that the bilateral relations were upgraded to "comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnerships" andSexual completion.

Li Xianlong explained the reasons for upgrading the relationship between the two countries during the interview with the accompanying Singapore media on Saturday (April 1).He said: "When we have a good relationship, you have to continue to work hard. It will not maintain a good state automatically. You have to make it better and better, we will not be satisfied with the status quo."

Li Xianlong takes the Free Trade Agreement of Singapore China as an example. Singapore's cooperation with China must keep pace with the times and continue to reflect value.

Singapore and China also signed a memorandum of understanding on Saturday to confirm that the subsequent negotiations have been completed in substantially completing the upgrade of the free trade agreement between the two countries.Later, the two countries will sign the subsequent negotiations later this year. After that, the upgraded version of the new China Free Trade Agreement will launch the final approval before effective.

According to the news released by the Ministry of Commerce of China, this agreement is the first time that China has adopted a negative list model in the practice of the free trade agreement to make a service and investment open commitment.The Ministry of Commerce also described that the upgrade of the new China Free Trade Agreement is an important measure and actual actions for China to "connect high -standard international economic and trade rules and expand opening to the outside world, which will effectively promote Sino -new economic and trade cooperation to a new level."

The new China joint statement pointed out that the subsequent negotiations of the new China Free Trade Agreement will be substantially completed., Improve trade and investment market access.

The relationship between the two countries has been upgraded again after eight years in Xinzhong. Li Xianlong explained the meaning of "comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership" in the interview.He said that "high -quality" partners are not simply exchanging each other, but "I have ideas, you also have ideas, we jointly create a new, more effective, and more creative concept."

As for the "forward -looking" in the new definition, Li Xianlong said that the world is constantly changing, and the national conditions in China and Singapore have also changed. ThereforeNational cooperation still has considerable value to both parties after five years and ten years.

This is Li Xianlong's first visit to China after the epidemic.He observed that China has gone out of the epidemic and moves forward strongly. He also hopes to re -open and reconstruct the world as soon as possible.

He said that China, like all other countries, see Wuyun who is shrouded in the environment. China needs friends, and it needs stability, and cooperates with Asian countries including Singapore. In such an environment, Singapore can continue to develop with China.Relations, open up new fields of cooperation.

He described that in this trip, he felt goodwill and great enthusiasm, and the two sides of the new China actively hoped to give full play to the value of bilateral relations.

Li Xianlong meets Li Qiang, Li Qiang reiterated firm cooperation

Li Xianlong is an official visit to China at the invitation of the new Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang.He held talks with Li Qiang at the Great Hall of the People on Saturday, and Li Qiang also held a welcome ceremony and luncheon for Li Xianlong.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, the two reiterated their solid cooperation and long -term connection, and saw that the two countries upgraded bilateral relations to "comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnerships."Under the upgraded partnership, the New Central China Bilateral Cooperation Committee (JCBC) will continue to provide guidelines for new and Chinese cooperation platforms as the highest level of bilateral cooperation platforms.

Li Xianlong's willingness to join China ’s comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP) has supported China in principle support.According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, like all CPTPP members, China meets and abide by the commitment of high standards and comprehensive market access, which is very important. China has to solve these problems on the basis of negotiation with all members.Li Xianlong also welcomes China to apply to join the Digital Economic Partnership Agreement (DEPA) in accordance with the rules and procedures of the agreement.

In the opening white of the talks, the two prime ministers mentioned the meeting between the two Prime Minister Li Xianlong five years ago when the new Prime Minister Li Xianlong visited China. At that time, Li Qiang was the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.Li Qiang said that the content of the conversation at that meeting made him "very impressive". "Many of your views, I still remember it."

Li Qiang also described Li Xianlong as "the old friends who are familiar with the Chinese people", showing that the new Chinese government "is very willing to explorate and exchange the practice of deepening modernization with Singapore, and promote the level of pragmatic cooperation between Sino -new relations to climb the peak of new peaks". "Essence

Li Xianlong has ended on Saturday and returned to Singapore.