Registered as a tobacco hotel, but it became a coffee shop. A coffee shop named "Doi Coffee" in Shanghai was filed for investigation by its name and commodity name suspected of vulgar marketing.

Comprehensive Nine School News and surging news reports, Huangpu District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a report on Friday (July 28) that the Huangpu District Market Supervision Bureau received a citizen reported that "Vulgar marketing in a coffee shop in Shanghai ".After receiving the relevant clues, law enforcement officials were immediately organized to rush to the scene for investigation.

It was preliminary found that the parties' name was Xiangyang Hongsan Hotel, Huangpu District, Shanghai. The external signboard was "Doi Coffee".The provisions of Article 11 of the Measures have been investigated for the case.Follow -up, further investigations will be conducted on the parties' illegal acts, urging enterprises to implement rectification, standardize operations, and maintain a good fashion of society.

According to reports, the LOGO of the coffee shop involved in the coffee shop is a red lip print, and the signature products recommended on the group purchase platform include "DOI American", "Later Latin", and "Interesting Concentration" called "Interesting Concentration"The product.

The product name of the coffee shop has aroused controversy of netizens. Some netizens commented on this: "What is this atmosphere? I do n’t know who the coffee named this is drinking." Many netizens commented:"It's nothing to look at the name of the store, but looking at the name of the single product, extreme discomfort."

The store has closed the door now, the shop door is covered with plastic film, and the store recruitment has been demolished. Two workers are dismantling the store recruitment.Nearby decorations.

The shop was not found on the relevant review platform and a takeaway platform page.On another takeaway platform, the name of the controversial items under the name of the store is no longer available, and the store also shows that "it has been closed".