(Beijing Comprehensive News) In order to achieve economic recovery, the Chinese government continued to release the property market to stimulate consumer signals.

According to the news released by Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (July 27), the Minister of Housing and Construction Ni Hong held an enterprise symposium to conduct in -depth exchanges on the high -quality development of the construction industry and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Ni Hong emphasized that we must continue to consolidate the real estate market to stabilize and recover the trend, strongly support rigid and improved housing needs, and need to further implement the reduction of the down payment ratio of the first house and the loan interest rate, improving the purchase of taxes and fees for improving housing, and "recognizing personal housing loans" recognitionPolicies and measures such as "houses do not need to recognize loans".

The middle finger research institute pointed out that the cities currently "recognized and recognized loans" are mainly concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities, which seriously restrict the purchase group that needs to be improved to improve houses.Therefore, the policy should be adjusted to support in a timely manner, and the implementation of housing non -recognition policies can activate core cities to replace chains and active market transactions.

Following the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on Monday (July 24), it was clearly proposed that it was necessary to adjust and optimize the real estate policy in a timely manner. This is the first time that the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued a specific direction and content of policy adjustment.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that China's real estate industry has been in a serious debt crisis in the past two years.Real estate sales fell again after a brief rebound at the beginning of this year, and in June fell again, which made the developers who were already liabilities stressed.

The data released by the People's Bank of China on Friday (July 28) showed that the balance of personal housing loans at the end of June this year fell to 38.6 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 7.18 trillion yuan), a decrease from the same period last year.260 billion yuan.This is the first year -on -year decline in the data record in 2011.

The total amount of mortgage loans also decreased by nearly 1%compared with the end of March. This is the third time the quarterly atrophy occurred, indicating that during the period from April to June, the amount of loans repaid in China exceeded the new mortgage loan, showing that the real estate market was in the real estate market.After a brief rebound, it shrinks again.

The overall Chinese real estate sector shrinks in the second quarter, turning the momentum of the industry's expansion for the first time since the period of January to March. In July, the real estate market seemed to be weaker.

The data from the People's Bank of China also shows that at the end of the second quarter of 2023, the balance of real estate loans increased by 260 billion yuan to 5.337 trillion yuan year -on -year.The balance of real estate development loans increased by 610 billion yuan.