Mainland singer Dao Lang, who has been silent for many years, has recently become hot again, a new song Rakshahai City has become popular all over the Internet.

What causes widespread discussion is not the music itself, but the interpretation of the reflection, irony in the lyrics, and the grievances between the celebrities such as Daolang and Na Ying.

Daolang was formerly known as Luo Lin, 52 years old.Twenty years ago, he became famous for his first snow in 2002, and he also created popular songs such as lover, impulse punishment, Kashgar Puyang.Daolang's songs are more tunes from the folk, and the lyrics are also popular and straightforward. The playback volume once ranked among the best in the Chinese music scene.After entering the 2010s, Daolang gradually faded out of people's vision.

The popular song of this time is one of the new album songs released by Daolang on July 19th.The original text fictional "Rakshasa", where the beauty is upside down, black and white.At the end of the article, Pu Songling commented on the mouth of "Different History": "Flowers meet each other, and the world is like a ghost." This article is also considered to be a masterpiece of the society.

After the song was released, the number of broadcasts on the entire network in just a few days broke 1 billion.Many netizens interpreted the irony of the lyrics from the lyrics, thinking that the sentences such as "hookrack never dressed as elegant" and "how can there be paintings in the hall" and other sentences are criticizing the Chinese music circle to pretend to be elegant, but they are ugly.It is Zhejiang Satellite TV, which has a hook -type Taiwan mark.

There are further excavations from the media, calling the four vocabulary of "that bird", "Qiuhe", "Mahu", and "father -in -law" in the lyrics.The celebrities of the Chinese music circle rumored to be involved in "blocking" Daolang then.Among them, Na Ying said that the song of Daolang in 2010 was high, but "does not have aesthetic views" and refused to include it on the top ten influential singers.

There are also many people who disagree with this analysis of the seating, and believe that it is far -fetched.Some fans believe that the new album has inherited the irony style of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi. It is Daolang's criticism of the social phenomenon of ugly and money, and if he concentrates on creating songs for many years, he is to "revenge" with several colleagues.The pattern is too small.

In all fairness, there are some flaws in Rakshahai.In terms of lyrics, from Liao Zhai to Wittgenstein, the turn is a bit stiff, and it is pretending to be high; places that want to express hard, the words such as "turning" and "coal eggs" are a bit too straightforward and rude.In terms of tunes, although the Chinese folk minority is integrated, the form and style are innovative, but the beauty of the melody has not yet become superior, and it is not as easy to sing as his early works.

The popular Rakshahai city is not so much a phenomenal song, it is a phenomenal network dissemination event caused by a song.The reason, first of all, the resentment of the entertainment industry is often talked about the netizens. Na Ying and Gao Xiaosong are controversial network celebrities.The wind allows him to support many supporters on the platforms such as Douyin. The "anti -authority" extended this incident and the criticism of the social meaning are in line with the public's psychology;The novel can read the "Secret History of the court" and the news can dig out the "high -level inside story". Dao Lang's lyrics also leave a huge space for the analysis and re -creation on the Internet.

However, for the lack of good Mainland Chinese music scene, Daolang's new album may not bring qualitative changes.In these years, there are very few phenomenon songs. Incidents that enter the public view are often scandals, scandals, and even news related to singers, and even stars in jail, and the grievances that are unclear in the circle.The popularity of mirage is mainly because of its topicalness and controversy, not music itself, which is impressive.