In response to the Japanese government on Friday (July 28), through the 2023 version of the National Defense White Paper, China positioned China as Japan's "unprecedented strategic challenge". The Chinese Ministry of National Defense responded.Knowing, deliberately rendering the "Chinese military threat", China has expressed resolute opposition and has proposed solemnly.

According to the WeChat public account of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense, Saturday (29th), the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Defense Tan Kefei said that the new version of the Japanese defense white paper is unaware of the mistakes of China and deliberately rendered ""Chinese military threats", discredited the normal construction and development and military activities of the Chinese army, crudely interfered in China's internal affairs, and provoked regional tensions.China expressed its resolute opposition and had proposed to the Japanese side solemnly.

Tan Kefei pointed out that the Chinese army has always been a firm power to maintain the peace and stability of the world. It has never challenged anyone and has no threat to anyone.Instead, the Japanese side has continued to break through the "Peace Constitution" constraints and the principles of "special defense" in recent years.The "small circle" brings serious challenges to regional and world peace, security and stability.

He emphasized that China is a firm defender and builder of international marine rule of law, and the position of the sea -related issue has always been consistent and clear.At present, the situation in the East China Sea and the South China Sea remains stable.In order to selfishly gain, some countries have sent ships to frequently show off in relevant sea areas to show off their force, which seriously exacerbates regional tensions.The cooperation in the field of defense in China and Russia is based on the basis of not alliance, non -confrontation, and not targeting third parties. It is committed to maintaining the peace and stability of the region and the world, and does not pose a threat to any country.

When talking about the issue of Taiwan, Tan Kefei shows that Taiwan is Taiwan in China. A Chinese principle is related to the political foundation of China -Japan relations. It is the insurmountable bottom line.On the issue of Taiwan, the Japanese side has a serious historical responsibility for the Chinese people. In recent years, not only does not do not bow in the province, but continues to interfere with China's internal affairs, violate the basic criteria of international relations, violate the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan, and destroy the political foundation of China -Japan relations., To exacerbate the tight situation in the Taiwan Strait area, which is extremely wrong and dangerous.

He finally said that he urged the Japanese to learn from historical lessons, stop irresponsible words and deeds, abandon the zero and confrontation thinking of neighbors, establish correct cognition of China, and keep on major issues such as Taiwan.Nuo, in the field of military security, be cautious and promotes bilateral relations to the correct track with actual actions.

According to the news from the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Japan, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Japan to answer reporters on the release of a new version of the defense white paper on Japan that China adheres to the path of peaceful development and pursues defensive national defense policies.China ’s strengthening of national defense and military construction is to defend national sovereignty, security, and development benefits, and it is reasonable and irrelevant.In recent years, Japan has actively sought to modify the peaceful constitution, greatly increased the defense budget, accelerated the development of offensive combat power, regardless of regional countries' opposition, and promoted NATO to the East Asia Pacific. Relevant actions caused serious concern and high vigilance in the international community.

The spokesman said that for a period of time, the Japanese side has continued to have negative actions on the issue of China, causing serious interference to the relationship between the two countries.The Chinese side urged the Japanese side to stop the words and deeds that interfere with China's internal affairs and harm China's interests, effectively reflect on the history of aggression, adhere to peaceful development, and abandon bad attempts to serve their own military loosening through rendering surrounding threats.

The new white paper in Japan states that China's rapid strengthening of military forces is the "biggest strategic challenge" of international order, and condemn the joint action of Chinese and Russian bombs and ships around Japan.Essence