(Beijing / New Derry / Brazilian Comprehensive News) Knowledge officials revealed that China hopes that BRICS countries will expand rapidly and fight against the United States by strengthening their political influence, but they are opposed by member states India and Brazil.

According to Bloomberg News on Friday (July 28), the five BRICS -Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will hold a BRICS Leadership Summit in Johannesburg next month to discuss expansion of BRICS and acceptTopics of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

According to informed officials, China has repeatedly lobby the BRICS expansion lineup at the preparation of the Leaders' Summit, but India and Brazil have proposed opposition.

Reported that after dozens of countries have made a request to join the BRICS organizations, Western worry that the organization will become a new force against Washington and the European Union.This is also one of the reasons why Brazil opposes the expansion of the BRICS.

A Brazilian official said that Brazil tried to prevent China from turning the BRICS to the Organization of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) through expansion.

India hopes that the BRICS countries will formulate strict regulations on the addition of other countries without expanding.Any decisions related to expansion require member states to reach a consensus at the upcoming leader summit.

Knowledge officials also said that India and Brazil will recommend that more countries join the BRICS organization as observer or partner countries at the summit.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in response to the incident that the five BRICS countries had authorized the number of members to expand the number of member states at the leader summit last year, so that more countries to join the political consensus of the five BRICS countries.

Lukianov, chairman of the Russian Foreign and National Defense Policy Committee, said that Russia does not adhere to its stance in the decision -making of the BRICS expansion.

He said: "Russia is generally supported by the expansion of the BRICS countries, but it does not show great enthusiasm, and it will not stop the birth of any decisions."

The BRICS countries were established in 2009 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China. South Africa joined the following year and became the only country currently accepted to join the organization.The purpose of the organization is to counter the influence of developed countries in the global economic system.At present, BRICS countries account for 42%of the global population, GDP has 23%of the world's GDP, and trade volume accounts for 18%of the world.

This year's BRICS Leaders Summit aims to create organizations with certain influence in global political and economic systems.The BRICS five countries have discussed the possibility of establishing common currencies, although the plan is expected to not make significant progress.

BRICS President Guo South Africa said earlier that Russian President Putin will not attend this year's offline leader summit, but will be replaced by Russian foreign minister Raft.This decision resolved the dilemma of whether the South African government implemented the international criminal court's arrest warrant.