Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Central Committee, deputy deputy member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's CongressThe chairman Li Hongzhong led the Chinese party and government delegation to visit North Korea on July 26. During the period, Kim Jong -un, the General Secretary of the Workers and State Councilor of the North Korean Workers and Chairman of the Communist Party of China.The letter says that no matter how the international storm changes, maintaining, consolidating, and developing well -developed China -DPRK relations is always a firm policy for the Chinese party and the government.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping pointed out in the letter of his pro -department that 70 years ago, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the Korean people and the army won the great victory of the United States and aid the North Korea, condensed with blood into great combat friendship.Regardless of how the international situation changes, maintaining, consolidating, and developing well -developed China -DPRK relations is always a firm policy for the Chinese party and the government.

Li Hongzhong said during the meeting that in recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping met with General Secretary Kim Jong -un five times, leading China -DPRK relations to enter a new historical period.China is willing to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and the two parties, strengthen communication and exchanges, promote pragmatic cooperation, promote the healthy and stable development of China -DPRK relations, and make positive contributions to maintaining peace and stability of the peninsula and region.

According to a press release in China, Kim Jong -un expressed his sincere gratitude to Xi Jinping's letter to his pro -proceeds, expressing that the Korean party and the people will always remember the immortal achievements of the Chinese people's volunteers and martyrs.The DPRK is willing to consolidate traditional friendship with China, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, promote the higher levels of North Korea -China relations, and jointly safeguard the peaceful stability of the region and the common interests of both parties.

During the visit, Li Hongzhong also met with Cui Longhai and other North Korean leaders to attend the 70th anniversary of the Korean War of War, participated in the Chinese -DPRK Friendship Tower, and went to the Cangchen Festival to sweep the Chinese People's Volunteer Martyrs Cemetery.