Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong pointed out that the economic cooperation between Asia and China depends on the overall relationship between the two sides, because there are not only economic issues between the two sides, but also discussions on political and security issues, and some issues must be dealt with.

Li Xianlong said that the greater the progress that China and Asia can achieve political and security issues, the easier it is to achieve greater development in economic cooperation.

In an exclusive interview with CCTV's high -end interview programs, Li Xianlong responded to the above views about the relationship between Asia's sexual security and China.

Code of Conduct (COC) as an example, it is not easy for COC to reach an agreement, but the two sides have been working hard and hoping to make further progress.If the two parties can promote negotiations and control the issues of South China Sea in the way that they are not distinguished from large, small and small countries, and respect for the interests of all parties, economic cooperation between China and Asianian will be easier to advance.

COC Single Single Consultation text draft texts were completed in 2019, and the negotiations between the two sides made a slow progress; the Asian Wheel Value Chairman Guo Indonation said in February that he would host the first round of COC negotiations this month.

Lee Xianlong: Good political relationship is more likely to be convinced by win -win views

Li Xianlong pointed out that good political relationships make people more likely to be convinced by win -win views; otherwise, even if there are many win -win opportunities, some may be caught and some cannot be caught.

He further clarified that the relationship between Ya'an and China is good, but the better the non -economic issues of the two parties are handled, and the economic relationship will be more prosperous and developed.Power to solve other problems.

When talking about the role that Singapore can play in promoting the relationship between Asia and China, Li Xianlong said that Singapore is one of the 10 members of Ayanan, and is almost the smallest country. ThereforeLimited, but Singapore is fully involved and strives to promote bilateral cooperation.

The economic and trade relations between the two parties have continued to advance in the near future

The economic and trade relations between Ya'an and China have continued to advance in the past three years. The two sides started negotiations on the upgrading of the free trade agreement at the Asianian Summit in November last year. The Singapore and China Free Trade Agreement was also negotiating and upgrading.

Li Xianlong takes the new China Free Trade Agreement as an example. In addition to through Asia, Singapore also shows the potential of cooperation between the two parties.

He explained that compared to consulting with 10 countries, negotiations with a country are not so complicated, so they can go faster and farther, and they can show what results to achieve.This is a kind of encouragement for the cooperation between China and Asians. Since Singapore has achieved good results, China also feels feasible. Why not consider this practice?