Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, emphasized in Tibet from July 25th to 27th that it is necessary to take the focus of maintaining the unity of the motherland and strengthening national unity as the focus of Tibetan work.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Huning said that doing a good job of Tibet must unswervingly implement the party's strategy of governing the Tibetan party in the new era, deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", and enhance the "four consciousness", Firmly "four self -confidence", achieve "two maintenance", closely set the main line of consciousness of the Chinese nation community, and grasp four major events: stable, development, ecology, and strong edges.

Wang Huning understands the establishment of national unity and progress, Xingbian Fumin, rural revitalization, ecological protection, and inspect the planning and construction of projects such as the Sichuan -Tibet Railway, and go to Lhasa to investigate the development of ethnic, religious, and social governance in Lhasa.Condition.Wang Huning said that it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and education of national unity and progress, and promote the people of all ethnic groups to "recognize the great motherland, the Chinese nation, the Chinese culture, the Chinese government, and the socialism with Chinese characteristics.

He asked the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region to take the main point and focus of maintaining the unity of the motherland and strengthening national unity as the focus of Tibetan work, and to do a good job of national and religious work; take the improvement of people's livelihood and condense the people's hearts as the starting point for economic and social development.With the end of the foothold, consolidate the results of expanding the results of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote rural rejuvenation, and embarked on the road of high -quality development that is in line with Tibet; establishing the concept of green mountains and green mountains is the concept of Jinshan Yinshan, and creating a highland for ecological civilization construction.

According to reports, Wang Huning also visited Pabala Greylla, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, President of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and CPPCC members in Lhasa, the CPPCC and the United Front Work Department of the Autonomous Region.Shi Taifeng, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of United Front Work of the Central Committee.