The China Securities Regulatory Commission has recently convened several head securities firms to solicit opinions on the "active capital market and boosting investor confidence" proposed by the Politburo Conference.

According to the Daily Economic News on Friday (July 28), the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on July 24, and for the first time, it proposed that "the capital market must be active and boost investor confidence."This statement has aroused market attention and discussion.The market generally believes that this statement will form a medium and long -term benefits for A -share, and subsequent policies are worth looking forward to.

It is understood that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has recently convened several relevant persons of the head securities firms to solicit opinions on the "active capital market and boosting investor confidence" proposed by the Politburo Conference.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission held a 2023 -year -old mid -year work symposium from July 24th to 25th.Vitality.

The report quoted the UBS Asian economic research director and chief Chinese economist Wang Tao, who said that the Politburo meeting in July set a more positive policy tone.The meeting pointed out that the lack of domestic demand is a challenge to facing important difficulties in the current economic operation. It is necessary to strengthen the adjustment of counter -cyclical adjustment and combine structural reforms and boost confidence.After this meeting, various government departments and local governments may introduce more specific policies.

The report also quoted the Studies of the Oriental Securities Strategy Team that in the future, it will continue to make efforts around the three aspects, focusing on the introduction of long -term funds and stimulating market vitality: adhering to the concept of long -term investment and value investment, and actively introduce long -term funds;By optimizing the interconnection mechanism, promoting the derivative market and asset management cooperation; promoting the formation of innovative capital, and unblocking the "technology-industry-finance" virtuous circle.