The Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate emphasized on the eve of the establishment of the Army of the August 1st that it is necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the soldiers of the soldiers and protect the national defense interests.

The highest prosecution on Friday (July 28) released a typical case of crime that punish the interests of national defense and infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the soldiers of the soldiers, and explains that the purpose of this move is to give full play to the role of procuratorial functions, andPunishment of military crimes, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the soldiers of the soldiers, strengthening the awareness of national defense, and promoting the formation of a strong atmosphere of respecting the profession of soldiers.

These typical cases include fraud, destroying military facilities, trading and selling armed forces documents, illegal trading and selling armed forces, illegal buying and selling armed forces system, illegally obtaining national secrets, destroying military marriages, infringing the reputation of heroes and honors, honorary honors, honor, and honorCase.

The person in charge of the Procuratorate of the Supreme Procuratorate emphasized in the form of answering reporters that the procuratorial organs should pay attention to the severe blows in accordance with the law, but also to implement the criminal policies of the strictness and strictness.Conversion work.

The person in charge also emphasized that the strong country must be strong, and the army can only be able to national security. In recent years, China has accelerated the process of military regulations and systems.The laws such as the National Defense Law, the Armed Police Law, the Retired Military Protection Law, the status of the military and the rights and interests, and the military facilities protection law have been introduced to provide the status of military status and rights and interests, providing the rule of law norms in the law, national defense and military construction.

Typical cases announced by the Supreme Procuratorate include cases of illegal shooting fighters together.When the defendant named Gong was engaged in lawn pruning at the airport of a troops on the afternoon of April 2, 2021, he crossed the airport protective bar and sneaked into the airport military management area. He used mobile phones to shoot photos and videos illegally on mobile phones and published it on a short video platform.The photos and video content taken by Gong Moumou were confidential.

On July 19 of the same year, the procuratorate filed a public prosecution against Gong Moumou with illegal acquisition of national secrets.On July 27, the Chinese court was sentenced to one year and two months in prison for illegally obtaining state secrets in Gong Moumou, and one year and six months in probation.Gong Moumou did not appeal.