The Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun Zhang Jun on Thursday (July 13) at the UN Security Council's public conference, severely refuted the content of China in the NATO Weilnis Summit.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Metropolitan United Nations official website on Thursday, Zhang Jun said that the Cold War has long ended, but the "ghost" of the Cold War thinking has been floating in the world, which not only causes the Korean Peninsula issue to delay difficulty, but alsoAs a result, the global opposition and conflicts have increased.As the product of the Cold War, NATO has been deeply trapped in this "ghost".

He criticized that NATO held a Weilnis summit a few days ago. The communiqué issued by the meeting was full of chapters, and the old tunes were heavy, full of cold war thinking and ideological prejudice.The bulletin ignored the basic facts, forced to pull hard, and conducted unreasonable attacks and accusations against China.China has resolutely opposed it.

Zhang Jun said that NATO claims to be a regional organization, but breaks through the geographical scope prescribed by its own treaty. It refers to the global, east of Asia -Pacific, and has more negative impacts and destructive factors to regional and global security.NATO claims to be a defensive alliance, but encourages members to continue to increase military expenses, carry out military activities worldwide, continue to cross the border to expand power, and provoke confrontation.

He also said that NATO claims to defend "rules -based international order", but repeatedly violated the basic criteria of international law and international relations, interfered in other domestic politics, provoked multiple wars, bombed diplomatic facilities, killed innocent innocent innocentsCivilians, leaving spots.Individual NATO members pursue dual standards, promote the sharing of nuclear, "nuclear alliances", and further exacerbate regional tensions.Countless facts have proved that NATO is the real troublemaker.

Zhang Jun emphasized that NATO's accusations of China have no factual basis.China is the builder of world peace, the contributor to global development, and the maintenanceer of the international order.China has firmly maintained the basic guidelines for international relations based on the United Nations as the core international system, international order based on international law, and based on the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter.In terms of peace and security, China is the best country with record.

He pointed out that China has never aggree other countries, never engaged in the war of agents, does not carry out military operations worldwide, does not threaten other countries with force, does not output ideology, and does not interfere with domestic politics.China has adhered to the policy of using nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, and the unconditional commitment is not used or threatened to use nuclear weapons for use or threatening the use of nuclear weapons and non -nuclear weapons areas.

He showed that China does not cause trouble, but he is not afraid of things.China will resolutely and strongly fight back for any acts that violate China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, damage China's security and development interests, and undermine the peace and stability of China.

Zhang Jun said that in the era of globalization, the world safety and the Communist Party of China are not living in the vacuum, and no country has "absolute safety".To achieve its own security, if countries must not despise the reasonable and safe concerns of other countries, they cannot build their own security on the basis of unsafe other countries.Don't let others light up.

He also said that security is inseparable. This is the characteristics of the times and the starting point for achieving common safety.China has always adhered to a common, comprehensive, cooperative, sustainable concept of security, targeting the current international security dilemma, and the direction of the common security and Chinese answers given.China is willing to work with the international community to jointly build a balanced, effective and sustainable security structure through sincere and pragmatic dialogue cooperation to promote long -lasting peace and common safety.

The NATO Summit was released on Tuesday (July 11), which was concerned about China's global expansion, expanding nuclear weapons, deepening and Russian relations, etc., challenging NATO security and value.

The communiqué first proposed that China explicitly the ambitions and coercion policies in China challenged the interests, security and value of NATO organizations.Although the communiqué is still willing to be constructive with China, including the establishment of reciprocal transparency to safeguard the safety interests of the alliance; but it also emphasizes that the NATO allies continue to face the Internet, space, mixed and other asymmetric threats, and malicious use of emerging emerging emerging.And the threat of destructive technology.