The pictures recently circulated by the Internet show that the third aircraft carrier of China, which is still installed in the dock, has dismantled the No. 3 electromagnetic jets in the oblique deck.Military scholars analyzed that because the installation time of the three projectile sheds of the Fujian ship is close, after the No. 3 ejaculation installation of the worker sheds is demolished, the No. 1 and No. 2 ejaculation installation of the workers will also be demolished in the near future, which means that the water has been laid out for more than a year for more than a yearThe Fujian ship is not far away from the sea and sea test.

In addition to removing electromagnetic ejaculation sheds, a satellite communication antenna and precision entry navigation radar are also installed on the top of the ship island of Fujian Ship, which shows that the aviation control system of the Fujian ship may be installed.Projects that must be completed by the take -off and landing test.In addition, the main engine of the Fujian ship has been ignited in early June this year, which means that the joint adjustment of the internal system of the ship has been basically completed. The 89th Navy's comprehensive guarantee ship has also stopped at the pier near the Fujian ship.

There are Chinese military fans believe that various signs show that the days of the Fujian ship's sea trial are nearly now, perhaps before and after the PLA's Army's Army Festival on August 1.

But some military fans pointed out that it may be difficult for the Fujian ship to achieve the sea test in August. At present, only one shed on the three electromagnetic ejection tracks on the Fujian ship is removed. I am afraid that it will not be removed until next month.After all removal, a series of tests are also required to conduct an electromagnetic ejection system. This round of testing is not enough for a month or two. If it passes the test smoothly, the possibility of a sea test in October is greater.

Wang Yunfei, an expert in Chinese navy equipment, analyzed that the current situation of the Fujian ship is not the final state before the sea test, and there are some auxiliary projects to be completed.In addition to the need to remove the other two ejaculation greenhouses, the Red Flag-10 Air Defense missiles and anti-submarine bombs have not been installed. The life raft around the main deck has not been configured.Of course, these projects have no technical difficulties. Once assembled, it does not need to be too long.

Wang Yunfei believes that the Fujian ship may have a warehouse in August.The tail sweeping project before the sea test is not complicated, but it is too late for a month, and the light paint paint line may take a month.The biggest possibility is around October, so that the tail -tail project time is calm.At the same time, afterwards, in the season of monsoon conversion, sea conditions are not the best.For the first sea test, you should choose a relatively confident hydrological condition.

Fujian ship number 18 is the third aircraft carrier in China after the Liaoning ship and Shandong ship, and the first ejection aircraft carrier designed and built by China.The ship adopts a flat -headed long flight deck, equipped with electromagnetic ejection and blocking device, with a full -load displacement of more than 80,000 tons. It is the largest aircraft carrier in the world today.

On June 17 last year, the Fujian ship held a launching ceremony in Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai.The official said that after the Fujian ship was laid off, it would conduct a tiered test and navigation test according to the plan.But more than a year has passed, and the official has not announced when the Fujian ship will go to the sea.

Sea test is the last test of the aircraft carrier before serving.The Fujian Ship Ship Test will mainly test the power, navigation, electronic equipment, radar, weapons and other systems of aircraft carriers, including carrier -based aircraft take -off and landing tests.

Due to the installation of an advanced electromagnetic ejection system, Chinese military fans have high hopes for the Fujian ship. Many people think that the ship has caught up with or even surpass the American aircraft carrier in terms of ejection technology.

Compared with the length data of the Fujian ship ejection runway and the aircraft carrier, some military fans found that the length of the Fujian ship electromagnetic ejection track reached 110 meters, which is similar to the length of the rebounder of the latest Ford -class aircraft carrier.The length of the Mitz -class aircraft carrier is only 99 meters.In other words, when the Fujian ship is less than the Nimitz -class aircraft carrier, the length of the rebounder is 11 meters longer than the Nimitz -class aircraft carrier.

The maximum ejection weight of the Ford -class aircraft carrier is 45 tons. As a result, the ejection weight of the Fujian ship carrier electromagnetic rebounder should be more than 40 tons, which is larger than the 34 tons of the Nimitz -class aircraft carrier steam projectile.

Wang Yunfei believes that the larger the aircraft carrier's ejaculation load: one can bring more fuels to carry more fuels, increase the range or combat radius;Sea, land or air strike capacity; Third, can allow more carrier -based early warning aircraft and transport aircraft to perform more load implementation guarantee tasks.

The sea trial cycle of the Shandong ship of the last aircraft carrier in China is about 18 months, and the scientific and technological level and comprehensive performance of the Fujian ship have been increasingly improved than the Shandong ship, and the sea trial cycle is definitely longer.For example, although the electromagnetic ejection system of the Fujian ship has been successfully tested many times in the land, the real on -board experiment will face a new test.

Therefore, although the Fujian ship is expected to conduct a sea test in October this year, it may take more than two years to officially serve.