The Southern China Sea Behavior Guidelines, which have progressed slowly due to the differences in the views of all parties and affected by the epidemic, have a positive direction. After four years of consultation, the Ya'an State and China have completed the second reading of the single consultation text of the standards.

The two parties also adopted a set of guidance principles to accelerate the negotiations of the South China Sea Conduct.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Reitino and members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee Wang Yi, at the Asian Demon -China Expansion Foreign Minister's meeting on Thursday (July 13), revealed the latest progress of the South China Sea Code of Conduct.

Reterno said that the cooperative relationship between Asia and China witnessed several milestones this year. In addition to completing the second reading of the single consultation of the South China Sea Code of Conduct, it also made a guiding principle to formulate a guiding principle of effective and substantial behavioral standards as soon as possible.The two sides also commemorate the 20th anniversary of China ’s Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.

Wang Yi: China welcomes the successful completion of the South China Sea Conduct Conduct Conduct Second Reading

Wang Yi said in his speech: "China welcomes the second reading of the South China Sea Code of Conduct, and supports all parties to form a pointer and document for accelerating the guidelines.

South China Sea Code is a document with legal binding and regulating the South China Sea behavior with sovereign disputes.A member states of Asian and China in 2017, the China Sea Code of Conduct, and officially launched a formal consultation in March 2018.

In August 2018, the two parties reached a draft of a single consultation text on the document and completed the draft reading at the end of July 2019.However, after that, the negotiations have not made significant progress, and the subsequent crown disease epidemic has also led to the postponing meeting.

Dr. Wei Wen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, answered members in Congress in May this year that Asianan and China resumed physical consultation in May last year.As of May this year, the two sides were still undergoing a second reading.

Victoria said at the time that Singapore would continue to work hard to promote effective and substantial norms of the South China Sea. The standards must meet the principles of international law that are generally recognized by the United Nations Convention on Marine Law and protect the rights and interests of all parties in the South China Sea.

China and Asia's Da'an are the largest trading partners of each other. Last year, the two sides' trade volume reached US $ 975.3 billion (about S $ 1292.2 billion, the same below).China is also the fourth largest source of direct investment overseas in Asia, and its direct investment in Asia in 2021 reached US $ 13.8 billion.

China and Asianan actively promote RCEP to fully take effect

Wang Yi said that the two sides are actively promoting the negotiations of the 3.0 version of the China -Asian Province Free Trade Zone, promoting the full effect of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP), and jointly become a firm advocate of free trade and market opening up.

"We work together to consolidate the foundation of peace and stability. China actively participates in and firmly supports the regional cooperation architecture centered on ASEAN (that is, Asian Gyeongan)."

He also said that China is willing to cherish the fruitful results of cooperation with Asians, grasp the correct direction of the development of the relationship between the two parties, continuously deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership, and create a more favorable strategy for the long -term peace and stability of the development of their respective development and the regional long -term peace and stabilityenvironment.

Reterno described that China is an important partner of the Asianian "to realize the peace, stability and prosperity of the Indo -Pacific region." The cooperation between the two sides is even more important in the increasing challenges.

"We must work harder to make our relationship thrive. We hope that China can be a firm partner on maintaining the open and tolerant area framework.Regional common peace, stability, and prosperity. "

Ayanian National Foreign Minister also held a meeting with other foreign ministers with other dialogue partners on Thursday, as well as meetings of the three Foreign Ministers of the Ayana Foreign Minister of China, Japan, and South Korea.Dr. Wei Wen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, who attended the meeting on Thursday night, stated on Facebook that countries have promoted cooperation to achieve extensive discussions on the persistence and prosperity of the region.