Many youth hostels in Beijing refused to receive residents over 35 years old, and once again triggered discussions on the age of 35 on the Internet of China.

According to the Chongqing Daily New Media Upstream News on Tuesday (July 11), many youth travel agencies in Beijing refused to move in for passengers over 35 years old.A passenger of a pseudonym Mr. Li said that he managed to find a person who had no remarks on the Internet on the Internet, but the other party made this condition on the phone, saying that the older residents climbed on the second floor of the youth hostel.He felt very puzzled, saying that he could still do 50 push -ups, and ran 5 kilometers.

His words resonated on the China Internet.Some netizens said that the age of 35 was just difficult to find a job. Now it seems that even cheap hotels can't live.There are also netizens concluded: "35 years old is the most difficult year in the life of the Chinese."

In fact, the threshold of 35 years of age has been discussed in Chinese society for some time, and the reason why each related news can be inspired each time, not only because the age of 35 is limited to all aspects of life, but also because of three years.After the epidemic, China's economic growth slowed down, and employment pressure increased. The threshold of this age became more eye -catching.

Pictures of a youth hostel in Beijing have a design.This type of hostel is usually cheaper than hotels, and the charging is below 100 yuan (S $ 18.6) a night to attract young backpackers who are not high.(Internet)

What are the people who are over 35 years old?

Under the hot search of "Youth Hostels Do not receive people over 35 years old", netizens have won various risks and restrictions of 35 years old.From settling, work, buying a house, marriage to birth, the 35 -year -old limit is everywhere.

For example, the talent settlement policy of Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Chengdu requires applicants within 35 years of age.Consumer Investment Consulting Company Aoyama Capital was released at 35 years old in January. The Chinese -style middle -aged report also mentioned that the buying policy in multiple places is also eccentricized by people under the age of 35.

35 years old.(Internet)

There are also 35 -year -old warning lines.According to the report, in the rural wedding market, more than 28 years of age is regarded as older. Men 28 to 35 are still opportunities to get married, while unmarried men over 35 years old have almost no market.In various medical research, 35 years old is also the boundary of the elderly maternal division.

But in the discussion, everyone is still most concerned about the risk of unemployment and re -employment of 35 -year -old people.According to the Workers' Daily, a survey by the National Trade Union National Trade Union in 2022 shows that 54.1%among the employees of the ages of 35 to 39 years old, and 70.7%are worried that the skills are outdated.

In the context of three years of epidemic and slowing economic growth, it seems more serious.Since last year, many Internet companies have revealed layoffs.Taking Tencent as an example, from last year to the first quarter of this year, the company has laid off more than 10,000 people.Huang Xitong, a 47 -year -old Tencent technical expert, was searched in March.Netizens lamented that Huang Xitong was also laid off as a senior technical expert, and it seems that the age is already a hard standard.

In the process of layoffs in the Internet factory, it is not a secret to take priority to cut off employees over 35 years old.An Internet company's HR (staff department staff) told China News Weekly that layoffs mainly consider labor costs. Employees over 35 years of age are old and have high salary, but they are not as good as university graduates to adapt to the changing Internet, as well as high -intensity jobs, So it often becomes the object of "optimization".

In addition to the risk of layoffs, it is not easy for people over the age of 35.According to a report released by the Chinese job design platform "Frequent Worry -Free" last year, most companies have limited the threshold for recruitment positions at 35 years old, and require more than 10 years of work experience, which is more suitable for people over 35 years old.10 % half.In contrast, the number of recruitment positions from one to three, three to five years of work experience accounted for more than 60 %.The report said that under the current complicated employment competition environment, the 35 -year -old has become the "life and death line" of the workplace.

Limited labor power supply

From the perspective of demand, companies like young people to work overtime, low salary, and easy to cultivate, but from the perspective of supply, this is inseparable from the dividend of the population of Chinese society.Since the expansion of university in 1998, the number of Chinese college graduates has been refreshed.Financial writer Wu Xiaobo pointed out in the article "The Disdiscusively 35 -year -old Chinese" pointed out that China's demographic dividend has made enterprises get used to the way of selecting and selected by the best.young people.

But in the long run, this dividend is destined to disappear.At present, China has decreased and aged.According to the China Human Capital Report issued by the Central University of Finance and Economics 2021, the average age of the working population of the Chinese town rose from 33.03 in 1985 to 38.63 years in 2019.

On the one hand, the young labor force is reduced, and on the other hand, it is difficult for old employees to re -employ.Experts believe that this seems to be contradictory and is actually related to the Chinese industrial structure.Wu Yiping, a professor at the School of Public Economics and Management of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said in an interview with surging news that unlike developed countries in Europe, China still relies on the demand of large -scale population to promote the development of upstream industries.Only pay more attention to experience and technology. "

Professor Zhu Guowei, a professor at the School of Business Administration of Hunan University, also believes that the employment problems faced by employees over 35 years old are directly related to the current level of economic structure development in China.As far as risks are concerned, he believes that, if the long -term unchanged employment model will make enterprises unable to have the human and resource experience reserves required for industrial transformation and upgrading, in turn drag down Chinese enterprises and economy.

Not only that, according to Xinhua News Agency, the report of the Development Department of the Development and Research Center of the State Council of the State Council also pointed out that the "35 -year -old+" group has a family and mortgage. Once unemployed, the family's financial situation will become very fragile and even worsen, and it is easy to cause triggersRegional bank mortgage loans and other risks.

Eliminate 35+ threshold?

Under economic and social risks, during the "Two Sessions" (the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) this year, many representatives of the CPC National Congress and CPPCC members put forward suggestions to relax the age limit of civil servants.

During the "two sessions" this year, Jiang Shengnan, a representative of the National People's Congress, proposed to cancel the age limit of national civil servants.(Internet)

In fact, the age division of the 35 -year -old appeared in the government system first.Since 1994, China requires civil servants to apply for the age conditions of the exam is under 35 years old.Since then, this standard is outside the civil servantThe workplace is constantly quoting that the application for state -owned enterprises and institutions has also continued to continue the requirements under the age of 35.

According to China News Weekly, many provinces and cities have indeed relaxed their age restrictions in this year's civil servants' recruitment.Either at the grassroots level of towns and towns.It can be seen that the government has just started trying in the leading discrimination.

But the 35 -year -old employment threshold and risk of unemployment are still the embodiment of China's severe employment and economic situation.And China's largest employment provider is not government and state -owned enterprises, but private enterprises.Therefore, in addition to administrative means, promoting the growth and transformation of China's economy and the development of private enterprises may be the positive solution to relieve the unemployment and anxiety of the 35 -year -old workplace.