The "China Report" issued by the United Kingdom, saying that Britain's response to China ’s national security threat is“ Completely Inadequate ”, which is too concerned about short -term economy instead of long -term risks.

According to Reuters, the Intelligence and Security Commitee (ISC) issued a report on Thursday (July 13) that China uses a wide range of national intelligence services to target a large number of national intelligence services.The interests of Britain and Britain seeks all aspects of influence and penetration of the British economy.

The report also said that from academia to excessive dependence on Chinese technology, the British government attaches too much attention to investment, rather than potential security threats.

Chairman of ISC, Julian Lewis, a member of the British Conservative Party, said the British government has always been happy to accept Chinese funds and has rarely raised any problems.However, he believes that if he does not take rapid and decisive actions, Britain will have a nightmare -like situation, including "the threat of survival of the free democratic system."

Reuters reports that British Prime Minister Sunak is facing the pressure of some members of the Conservative Party and requires a stronger position to China.But Sunak believes that the West should not be decoupled with China.

Sunak said in response to the report that China "challenged the epoch -making of international order", which echoed the recently updated security and international policy blueprint.threaten.

Sunak said that the government has taken measures to reduce Britain's dependence on Chinese technology and prevent interference, but he hopes to establish an open and constructive relationship with China.

ISC believes that China's most impact on British national security is public. It is completed through acquisitions, mergers, and interaction with academic and industrial circles, but this impact surpasses the boundaries.

ISC criticized the British government, saying that its focus is mainly a short -term threat, and said that the ministers need to ensure that security concerns will not be overwhelmed by economic benefits.

The ISC of supervising government information and security affairs consists of members of the upper and lower houses.The report released this time has been investigated since 2019, and will be sent to the British Cabinet Office and Prime Minister's Office for review in May this year.The report contains more than 200 pages in case research and appendix.