Park Zhen, the chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea, said that he hopes to communicate closely with China and Japan and strive to restart the meeting of South Korea, China and Japan.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Park Zhen attended the Asian Simpan and South Korea, China and Japan (10+3) Foreign Minister at Jakarta in Jakarta, Indonesia on Thursday (July 13).Itself.

Park Zhen said that as the core of the Asian dimension+Korean and Chinese mechanism, the three parties need to inject new impetus.

South Korea is the rotating chairman of this year's South Korean and China Leadership Conference.In December 2008, then South Korean President Li Mingbo, Japanese Prime Minister Matsuya Taro, and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao held a meeting of leaders of the Three Kingdoms for the first time. So far, it has been held eight times. In December 2019, the three countries have stopped after meeting in Chengdu, China.

In addition, at the meeting on the same day, Park Zhen met with the member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, Wang Yi met again after a year.Park Zhen had held talks with the then Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in Qingdao since he was new in May last year. After that, the two communicated many times.