The People's Bank of China said that the economy has not been deflected in the second half of the year, and it means that the adjustment of China's economy now belongs to the normal phenomenon of economic recovery after the epidemic.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, Liu Guoqiang, vice president of the People's Bank of China, made the above statement at the press conference of the financial statistics statistics in the first half of 2023 in the first half of 2023.

Liu Guoqiang pointed out that the long -term fundamental fundamentals of China's economy have not changed, and some challenges facing the current economy belong to the normal phenomenon in the process of economic recovery.He explained that the economic recovery after the epidemic in many countries takes about one year, and the Chinese epidemic is just about half a year, and the economic cycle and residential income and consumption have been actively improved.

Liu Guoqiang said that from the long -term trend, the economy is transformed in the direction of high -quality development, the driving force of scientific and technological innovation has continued to increase, green transformation has steadily advanced, and the consumer market has gradually recovered and upgraded. This is also "economic structural adjustment adjustment"A good time."

For the deflation concerns caused by the lower price, Liu Guoqiang pointed out that since this year, the CPI (residential consumer price index) increased year -on -year, and it may decline in July.Pharmaceutical phenomenon.

He emphasized that China's macroeconomic recovery, M2 (including currency supply of currency and quasi -currency) has maintained a rapid growth, which is significantly different from the historical typical contraction."So there is no deflation at present, and there will be no risk of shrinkage in the second half of the year."

Liu Guoqiang said that as the policy effect continues to appear, the supply and demand gaps will be further failed. After August, CPI is expected to begin to rise gradually.He predicts that the overall trend of the CPI in the whole year is U -shaped, and the price level of the year will drop first and then rise, and it is expected to move closer to 1%at the end of the year.

Liu Guoqiang said that in the next stage, the central bank will continue to implement a stable monetary policy, do a good job of cross -cyclical regulation, give full play to the effectiveness of monetary credit policy, coordinate the continuous improvement of economic operation, continue to increase endogenous momentum,Social expectations continue to improve, and the hidden dangers of risks will continue to resolve, and it will promote a virtuous circle of economic.