China may face the heat waves and the tight power supply in many places in summer. The latest official data shows that the coal import volume in the first half of this year is a high, which is nearly doubled, which means that China may want to increase coal input to avoid the input of coal to avoid the input to avoid the input of coal to avoid it.Summer electric shortcomings caused by coal shortage and hydropower scarce in the past two years.

The China Customs General Administration released the latest import and export data of cargo trade on Thursday (July 13), showing that China imported 39.87 million tons of coal in June this year, which was further increased compared to the 39.58 million tons imported in May;The quantity reached 2219.3 billion tons, an increase of 93 % over the 115 million tons of the same period last year.

Reuters quoted traders revealed that the current price of Australian power coal per ton is about 50 yuan (about 9 S $ 9) than Chinese domestic coal.Power plants and port inventory continued to increase, which originally limited the growth of China's coal imports. However, since the end of June, heat waves have swept around, and the demand for cooling down has increased the pressure of coal inventory.

China Environment News On Wednesday (July 12), it is pointed out that problems such as insufficient adjustment of power systems in China and high supply pressures are prominent.The report quoted data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China that Sichuan, which relies heavily on hydropower, has decreased by 24.4 % year -on -year in May this year, a decrease of 11.9 % from April, an increase of 12.5 percentage points.

High temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius have also appeared in many places in Sichuan this week, and the province's electricity load has continued to rise.Sichuan Power Grid Monday (July 10) has a record high at noon (July 10) at noon (July 10), a record high at noon, exceeding 59.88 million kilowatts.

Sichuan also reports the news that it will restrict power supply, which is expected to impact the production of aluminum, silicon and cement.Shanghai Nonferrous Metal Network reports that the aluminum smelter near Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, has been required to reduce the electricity consumption, which may lead to a reduction of about 50,000 tons of aluminum.

Chengdu will also hold a 12 -day World College Summer Games from July 28, which will also further increase power supply.

China Environmental Daily said that due to the long -term construction period of power generation installations such as hydropower, nuclear power, and new energy power generation such as wind power and solar energy, it has "intermittent, randomness, and volatility".China will still be the main power supply that can provide available capacity to play a bottom -guaranteed supply role.

Chongqing, who suffered from electricity in the summer last summer, also provided strict power for electricity during the drought this year.

Tu Xingyong, deputy director of the Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, revealed at a press conference on Tuesday (July 11) that coal -fired power generation has been the main force of Chongqing's power protection in recent years, accounting for about 60 % of the largest supply capacity on the Internet.To this end, Chongqing has continued to deepen cooperation with Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Guizhou and other places. As of July 9, the city's 12 main power plants had a total of 16.23 million tons, an increase of 40 % year -on -year.18 %, the best level of the same period of history.

Chongqing is the only net in western China to enter the province, district and municipalities, and highly relies on foreign coal and foreign purchases.

Yuan Jiajun and Mayor Hu Henghua, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with Wang Shudong, chairman of China Coal Group on July 6 and signed a strategic cooperation agreement to cooperate in coal storage bases and modern chemical industry to strengthen Chongqing energy safety.

Yuan Jiajun said that Chongqing actively builds the pattern of energy supply to the diversified guarantee, continuously promotes cross -provincial energy cooperation, and strives to ensure the demand for energy for economic and social development.

Tu Xingyong also said on Tuesday that Chongqing will make overall demand -side management and further arrange the production of enterprises.

Chongqing logistics industry Yang Xing said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that officials have recently started to increase their publicity and encourage enterprises to use peak power consumption, but they have not restricted production electricity, but the logistics operators who are expected to be frozen warehouses may be again this summer again.Faced with electricity limit impact.

Yang Xing pointed out that Chongqing's current light sources are serious. Official summer should give priority to reducing the city's exterior wall lights and advertising playback. After saving electricity in this area, production enterprises are required to reduce power consumption.