
Jingqiang Xinyun

The new Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang "first show" in front of Chinese and foreign media on Monday.At the beginning of this carefully arranged press conference, Li Qiang settled the governance goal of the new government: turned the grand blueprint of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into a construction drawing.

The "Huwen System" in 2013 was officially ended. In the following 10 years, the reality of Chinese governance can no longer be accurately described by the "Xi Li System"; on the contrary, with the high concentration of power of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the influence of the State Council in Li Keqiang served as the government.It has been weakened during the head.

The outside world was curious. When working in Zhejiang many years ago, Li Qiang, who had been the official "Dagao" of the then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, has now become the "second leader" of the central government.

In the first few days after being sworn in, Li Qiang gave the answer.At the first press conference, he carefully kept his job boundary and positioned the new government as "construction team".

When talking about the government's governance goals and future work priorities, Li Qiang first stated that these important issues that everyone cares about "can find clear answers from the 20th major report of the party", and the new government wantsTwo the blueprints formulated by the 20th National Congress into reality.Specific to this year's economic policy, he also stated that "the Central Economic Work Conference last year has been fully deployed."At the press conference, Li Qiang also quoted Chinese official concepts or quotations seven times.

On Tuesday (March 14), the State Council held the first executive meeting under the auspices of Li Qiang. The meeting continued to reveal a clear signal to be a loyal executor.

The meeting emphasized that the State Council was first of all political organs.The meeting also proposed that to do a good job of the State Council's work, we must take the maintenance and centralized leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the most fundamental political discipline and political rules, consciously benchmark the benchmarking table with the CPC Central Committee to ensure that the CPC Central Committee's deployment is not implemented.

Although it is not clearly said, by doing a good job of the role positioning of the "construction team" of the Chinese economic blueprint, Li Qiang has clearly responded to the various discussions and functions of the new government decision -making space and role.This means that in the future, the "construction team" will be consistent with the absolute pace of "designer".

But does this mean that the construction team has no autonomy and has no its own value?of course not.If the metaphor of the construction is tightly built, whether it is building a house or an interior decoration, it is not enough to rely on the designer. After the designer draws the blueprint of the design, it must be handed over to a capable and experienced construction team to perform the blueprint for the design blueprint for executioncome out.

The construction team will not change the blueprint, but as an executor, how to perform is still particular.From a press conference on Monday, Li Qiang's response to some issues can see his style, such as paying attention to the private economy and foreign capital, low -key pragmatic, close to the grassroots.He also explicitly demanded that departments and civil servants at all levels must have a sense of service and "as creative executors."In other words, the "construction team" is not completely unprecedented when implementing the blueprint.

The timing of Li's "construction team" is full of challenges.The three -year epidemic caused China's economic vitality to greatly hurt, only 3 % last year.China's economic growth goal this year is about 5 %. This goal is relatively conservative in the outside world, but the difficulty of interweaving internal and external interchange cannot be ignored. Even if China has canceled the "clear zero" policy in December last year, many entrepreneurs are investing in investment.Still cautious.

Everyone who followed this Prime Minister's press conference found that in a question and answer, Li Qiang's most was the topic of the economy.After the press conference, looking at the reports of the international media on the press conference, the word "confidence" was almost mentioned.

Confidence is the biggest challenge faced by China this year. Li Qiang used a lot of space to alleviate the concerns of private entrepreneurs and foreign investors, and tried to inject confidence into all walks of life.

Counting it, Li Qiang said the most detailed when responding to the confidence of private enterprises.He mentioned that "there are some incorrect discussions in the society that make some private entrepreneurs feel anxious."Although he pointed out that the discussion on the prospects of the private economic prospects was "incorrect discussion", he was the first senior leader to publicly recognize the controversy in the private sector.

Li Qiang gave a strong needle to private enterprises, reiterated "two unshakables", promised to vigorously create marketization, rule of law, and international business environment at a new starting point, treat various ownership of various types, protect enterprises in accordance with the law, protect enterprises in accordance with the law, and protect enterprises in accordance with the law.Property rights and entrepreneur rights.The four words "new starting point" he brought here are also intentional.

In terms of opening up to the outside world, Li Qiang uses numbers to prove that China is still investing in highlands.He also shouted to foreign capital confidence, emphasizing that no matter how the external situation changes, China will unswervingly advance the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world.

During the period of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shanghai, Li Qiang showed the style of relatives and business and foreign capital.position.

The emergence of

A relatives and business prime ministers, and his good records in the past in politics, let some observers cautious and optimistic, and see some hope of policy adjustment.However, it is of course not enough to rely on declaration of confidence and proclaiming. Whether it is private enterprises or foreign capital, they are still waiting to see the detailed "construction" plan.

The newly formed "construction team" faces the problem of thousands of problems. It is not practical to propose a new policy initiative, but they all say that "new officials take three fires" and introduce the specific "construction" plan to restore confidence in confidence in the construction plan.This matter should not be too late.