Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, said that China -Australia relations have stopped and stabilized under the work of the two sides, and have been improved and developed.

According to the announcement issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (July 14), Wang Yi met with Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian on Thursday (13th) in Jakarta.

Wang Yi said that Sino -Australian relations have stopped falling and stabilized, and have been improved and developed.This proves that as long as the two parties adhere to the original intention of building diplomatic relations and adhere to the right way to get along with each other, China -Australia relations can develop well and should develop well.

Wang Yi also said that Sino -Australian relations should adhere to the current direction.The two sides should maintain and consolidate the current good momentum, so that Sino -Australian relations will continue to be stable, practical, and far away.It is necessary to implement the consensus between the leaders of the two countries, restore the cooperation and cooperation of various fields and levels, and enhance the understanding of mutual trust.

He said that China -Australia's economy is highly complementary and the potential for cooperation is huge. He hopes that the Australian side will provide a fair, fair and non -discriminated business environment for Chinese companies to invest in Australia.The two sides should respect each other, treat each other, properly handle differences, cultivate a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding and appreciation, and bring more real benefits to the people of the two countries.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reports on Friday, the meeting between Huang Yingxian and Wang Yi lasted for nearly an hour.The trade barriers set by the product, as well as the imprisonment of Australian citizens.

China has been allowed to re -open the import of Australian coal from March this year, and has resumed wood imports from May.But still maintain restrictions on wine and lobster.