Ten days ago, major casualties caused floods caused by rainstorms ten days ago.In Wanzhou District, Chongqing, it encountered heavy rain again. The local official Friday (July 14) emergency response to flood prevention emergency responses in the early morning, requiring measures such as discontinuation, suspension, suspension, shutdown, suspension, suspension, and suspension of measures.Essence

According to the official WeChat account of the Propaganda Department of the Chongqing Wanzhou District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the WeChat account "Weifangzhou", the Wanzhou Wanzhou District Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters issued an emergency notice on Friday to upgrade the emergency response of the flood prevention to the level IIresponse.

Notice said that from 2 pm on July 13th to 5 am on the 14th, Wanzhou District generally rained to heavy rain, and some towns and towns were heavy rain, with a maximum cumulative rainfall of 185.6 millimeters.It is expected that there will still be 60 to 120 mm and a local 150 mm short -term precipitation in most areas of Wanzhou District in the next 3 hours.

The notice said that in order to effectively prevent the heavy rainfall of this round of heavy rainfall, according to the unified deployment of the district committee and district government, it was decided to start from 5:30 am on July 14th to upgrade the emergency response of flood prevention.The streets) and district defense refers to the prevention and response work in accordance with relevant regulations, and effectively do measures such as disconnection, suspension of work, suspension of school, suspension, shutdown, suspension, and suspension of sailing.

In addition, the Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory also issued a red warning of heavy rain again on Friday, referring to the cumulative rainfall in the district in the district will reach more than 100 millimeters, and the maximum hourly rain can reach 60 to 80 mm, accompanied by lightning and lightning., Gorgeous wind (hail) and other strong convective weather.

Early warning reminds that we must pay attention to preventing the adverse effects of landscape, mudslides, floods, floods, urban and rural waterlogging, and thunder and wind (hail) that may cause adverse effects that may cause adverse effects.The government and relevant departments do a good job of emergency and rescue in accordance with their responsibilities; stop rally, suspend classes, and suspend business; do a good job in the defense and rescue of disasters such as floods, landslides, and mudslides.

Chongqing ushered in the strongest rainfall since the flood in the flood from July 3rd to 4th, and half of the districts and counties were affected.Among them, some rivers in Wanzhou District of the severe disaster area rose to the highest water level in history, causing floods and mudslides, causing 15 people to die, four people disappeared, and lost more than 220 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 41.05 million).