The Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming's words recently caused a stir in South Korea, which also caused Sino -South Korean relations to suddenly nervous.

Xing Haiming met with the South Korean party first on Thursday (June 8th), when Li Zaiming, who was in the wild party, said that it was hoped that the Korean side would get rid of the interference of external factors when dealing with China.In the loss of China, this is obviously misjudgment and did not see the general trend of history; these people do not understand China's history and Chinese social system, and only talk about soldiers on paper; someone sang China 30 years ago, throwing out the so -called "Chinese collapse theory theory of collapse theory"Thirty years later, China proved the mistakes of those people with real achievements."Now those who bet in China will definitely regret it in the future."

Xing Haiming's remarks were interpreted by the South Korean government and public opinion as the accusations of South Korean foreign policy or even depreciating, and quickly caused a diplomatic storm between China and South Korea.

The next day (June 9), the South Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Huzhen summoned Xing Haiming, saying that Xing Haiming's remarks were "provocative", and the South Korean side expressed "strong regrets."Zhang Huzhen also proposed to Xing Haiming's "solemn warning" to ask Xing Haiming to do a good job in the division, otherwise all the consequences caused by me must be borne by me.

China is not willing to show weakness.On June 10, the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Nong Rong met the South Korean ambassador Zheng Zaihao, and explained that the Korean needle responded to Xing Haiming and Li Zaiming's meeting with Li Zaiming, indicating serious concerns and dissatisfaction.

Nongrong Debate explained that Xing Haiming's extensive contact and exchanges with people from all walks of life in South Korea is its responsibilities. The purpose is to promote understanding, promote cooperation, maintain and promote the development of Sino -South Korean relations.Treat them seriously.

The storm has not stopped there.On Monday (June 13), South Korean President Yin Xiyue personally ended in person to publicly accuse Xing Haiming's statement unhappy at the State Conference, and questioned whether Xing Haiming had a attitude to promote the development of Sino -South Korean relations.

China's senior officials did not respond to the accusations of the Korean side.China obviously does not want the situation to continue to expand, but China will not ignore that the Korean side demands or criticize Xing Haiming.

On the surface, this diplomatic storm starts with Xing Haiming's remarks, but the real reason is that the attitude of Yin Xiyue's government has changed to China.

After Yin Xiyue took office in South Korea in May last year, South Korea, the United States, and South Korea relations quickly heated up, and South Korea -China relations were facing greater challenges.According to the Chinese media, the Yin Xiyue government actively moved closer to the West, and at the expense of "humiliation diplomacy" on Japan, and also challenged China's interests on the Taiwan issue.Of course, the Chinese government is very dissatisfied with this.

In April this year, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the South Korean ambassador to China and the envoys, respectively, and expressed strong dissatisfaction on Yin Xiyue's "improper speech involved in Taiwan" and the joint statement of South Korea and the United States.

South Korea ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also quickly summoned the Chinese ambassador to South Korea and proposed a strong protest to China, accusing China of“ rude behavior ”.

Therefore, the diplomatic storm of China and South Korea is not essentially because of Xing Haiming's remarks, but the result of Yin Xiyue's government's neglecting China -South Korea relations.Chinese public opinion believes that the Yin Xiyue government is actually choosing a border station between China and the United States and "gambled in China."

It is worth noting that the Chinese ambassador who caused diplomatic storms due to remarks is not only Xing Haiming.In April of this year, the Chinese ambassador to France, Lushaya, caused strong dissatisfaction with some European countries for his former Soviet national international law status.French President Macron also criticized Lu Shayan's "inappropriate".

But Chinese officials and public opinion are more tolerant of the "improper" remarks of Lu Shaye and Xing Haiming.In the context of China's senior executives who emphasize the dare to fight, there may be more and more diplomats such as Lu Shaye and Xing Haiming.