(Beijing Comprehensive News) Liang Wannian, an expert from the National Health and Health Commission of China, said that the Chinese epidemic has basically ended, but it is not completely end.

Comprehensive Surging News, China News Agency, etc., Liang Wannian's Thursday (February 23) said at a press conference that China's coronary virus epidemic prevention and control has achieved a significant decisive victory, which means that China has suffered this.The impact and test of a round of epidemic established a better people's immune barrier.

Earlier, the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China had stated at the meeting held on February 16 that China "achieved a major decisive victory in the prevention and control of the epidemic" and created a "miracle that successfully got out of the epidemic in the epidemic".

Liang Wannian said that from the characteristics of the epidemic, it can be said that the epidemic has basically ended, but it cannot be said that it is completely over, because the current epidemic in China is still in a sporadic and locality.EssenceHe said that from the perspective of public health, the epidemic intensity of the epidemic can be divided into four categories, and it is the weakest to the strongest arrangement as a distribution, outbreak, popularity, and popularity.

China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday that since January 8th, China has discovered a total of seven input cases of XBB.1.5 from Seven Omikon.However, China ’s illness and control official believes that China has just experienced the popularity of epidemics, and the neutralized antibody retained by the human body will provide immune effects in the short term, which has recently triggered a new round of popularity.

After China's strict "dynamic clearance" at the end of last year, the epidemic prevention of the epidemic spread quickly across the country, and the confirmed cases soared.Since January this year, China's confirmed cases and death cases have slowed significantly.The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on February 16 also studied and judged that the Chinese epidemic prevention situation is generally better, and it has steadily entered the normalization prevention and control stage of the "Class B and B".

Hong Kong mask is extended to March 8th

China has reported fever symptoms in many schools last week, causing the public's panic about the recurrence of crown disease.Although the official said that not all students' fever symptoms started from crown diseases, there were other flu and other influenza, and they called on the public not to panic, but many schools still issued a notice of suspension of classes recently.

Since February, Qingpu, Beijing Xicheng, Tianjin Beichen, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Jinhua and other places have issued a school suspension notice to avoid the school personnel densely causing a gathering epidemic.

On the other hand, the Hong Kong government announced on Wednesday (22nd) that the mask order will be extended from Thursday for 14 days to March 8th, and the regulations for mandatory wearing masks in public places such as public transportation will be extended.