(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese consumer market fell into a downturn due to crown controlling measures last year. The Ministry of Commerce stated that it will continue to promote the expansion of consumption in many aspects, and optimize the momentum of the consumer market recovery in January this year.

According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, in response to whether China will issue large -scale consumer coupons, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce Shu Jiuting on Thursday (February 23) said at the press conference that from China in January ChinaFrom the perspective of consumption, the recovery of the national consumer market is strong, and all parties have confidence in the recovery of the consumer market this year.

Shu Jingsing evaluates that the disposable income growth of Chinese residents is basically synchronized with economic growth, the scale of middle -income groups has steadily expanded, the foundation of consumption recovery is solid, and there are many favorable factors.

Shu Jioting also said that the Ministry of Commerce will continue to take many measures to do a good job of restoring and expanding consumption with various departments.

China implemented a strict dynamic dynamic zero -epidemic prevention policy last year. The public could not travel, and the consumer market was severely frustrated.After China's anti -epidemic prevention measures in January this year, the Chinese factory and service activities rebounded. In January this year, the China Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) and the service industry PMI returned to the Rongkai Line.Prediction.

Reuters reports that the slowdown in China's trade exports has impacted China's trade exports, so the rapid recovery of consumer demand is essential for China's economic recovery this year.

Iris Pang, an economic analyst at Greater China in the Dutch Ing Group in Hong Kong, believes that the Chinese economy will definitely recover this year, but the nature and speed of recovery are not sure.