(Zhengzhou News) After three years of suspension of crown disease, China will restore public students to study in Russia this year.

Encourage middle school students to select Russian -speaking talents for Sino -Russian cooperation

The Office of the Henan Provincial Department of Education issued a notice on January 31st, stating that in order to promote the cultural exchanges between China and Russia, encourage more middle school students to select Russian and cultivate various professionals for China and Russia.Outstanding high school graduates from Henan Province are selected and sent to Russia to study.

According to the notice, 14 people can recommend 14 people in Henan to study undergraduate degrees with a period of 60 to 72 months (including preparatory programs).Students enjoy the government scholarships (Russia free tuition) provided by Russia, as well as the subsidies for studying abroad and a one -round trip to international travel expenses provided by the National Study Abroad Fund Commission.

The notice said that the recommended person must take the college entrance examination at the age of 18, and the score reaches the first batch of admission scores of the undergraduate undergraduate in Henan Province, or Russian scores reached 120 points or more than above (the total score is 150 points).The recommended person can register on the Internet on February 6, and the deadline for registration is February 16.

After the review of the National Study Abroad Fund Commission, the candidate for studying abroad was recommended to Russia, and the final result was determined after Russia was admitted.Students are generally sent from September to October, and if they abandon the qualifications for studying abroad without authorization or do not send them on schedule, they shall not apply for a state publicly sent abroad to study abroad within five years.

Anhui and Liaoning netizens asked: "If you go, you will not be sent to the Ukrainian front line!" Shaanxi netizens said, "China sent a large number of international students to the Soviet Union in the 1950s in the 1950s.Make outstanding contributions to China's realization of modernization. Henan Province has vision for studying abroad in Russia. "

Chinese public students plan to go to Russia in the 1950s, and later frozen due to Sino -Russian relations in 1958.In 2019, China resumed the plan to study in Russia. It was suspended during the epidemic period until it was recovered this year.