The Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate on Thursday (February 9) announced the report from the Jiangxi Procuratorate to decide to arrest a former local official.Chinese officials had previously pointed out that the former official was domineering, doing a word of words and a hegemony.NotGuo An, the former chairman of the Education, Culture and Health Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress Education, Culture and Health Committee, was reported on the 1st of this month on the 1st of this month.NotRefers to Guo An's domineering style, engaged in a word of words, he was a dominant hand, and he was only self -defeated, seriously destroying democratic centralized systems and selecting people.Color transactions and family corruption; do good for power, form a interest group with illegal merchants, engage in optional corruption, and illegally receive huge property.NotAccording to news network reports, Guo An was also accused of "the major decision -making of the Party Central Committee and the deployment of Yangfeng Yin violations", "abandoning the comprehensive and strict governance of the party's political responsibility", "forming a interest group with illegal merchants".EssenceNotThe People's Procuratorate also reported on Thursday that Guizhou Procuratorate decided to arrest Yu Ling, former party committee secretary and chairman of Guizhou Tourism Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd.NotThe website of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Discipline Inspection Commission also reported that Yu Ling was opened in double -off, and pointed out that Yu Ling accepted gifts in violation of regulations, super standards, over -range receptions, and organized a banquet paid by public funds; concealed the situation of not being reported to the children; the acceptance of gifts that could affect fair execution of official dutiesGifts, illegal business -oriented enterprises, engaging in power and money transactions; the bottom line of the discipline and law is lost. I want to be an official and want to make a fortune. It uses job convenience to obtain benefits in land acquisition and project acceptance, and illegally receive huge property.