Three-year crown disease will be endYet?

China, which was sharply released in early December last year, experienced a wave of epidemic peak last month, so that the outside world was worried that the rural areas with lack of medical resources will face a new round of severe severe rural areas during the Spring Festival.epidemic.

However, the Spring Festival holiday has ended, and China's official epidemic report and folk reflection have unexpectedly expected.

The China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's national crown disease infection and monitoring data released on Wednesday (January 25) showed that the Chinese epidemic reached its peak in late December last year, and then declined.It is basically similar, and the urban and rural areas are basically synchronized. The number of outpatients and emergency people, the number of severe cases in the hospital, and the number of deaths in the hospital have shown a downward trend.

It reached its peak in late December last year, and then continued to decline.(China Disease Control Website)

The report also said that during the Spring Festival holiday, there was no significant rebound in the epidemic. No new mutant strains were found throughout the popular process."" ".

According to the People's Daily Health Client, Professor Fang Bangjiang, Director of the Institute of Urgent and Critical Critical Causes of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said when he interpreted the above report on Friday that the virus was a bit "passed"."Experts say that the new crown virus can't be passed on," the topic also appeared on Weibo the next day.

However, Fang Bangjiang does not think that the virus itself has undergone important changes, but because "the society maintains a certain low level of spread, consolidate the immune barrier, and the vast majority of people are infected, forming formedGroup immunity.

The spokesperson for the China Health and Health Commission Mi Feng said at the press conference of the first State Council joint prevention joint control mechanism after the Spring Festival holiday at the end of the Spring Festival holiday on January 30 that the prevention and control work during the Spring Festival was stable and orderly.At present, the overall epidemic of the country has entered a low level of popularity, and the epidemic situation has remained steady decline.

Hu Xi, a well -known media person and former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, forwarded the above news that the Health and Health Committee was reposted and said: "China's breakout has been successful."He said that today China and other countries in the world have stood on the same starting line and drew a end to the epidemic in the past three years.

Hu Xijin believes that China's generally "gives a very good answer sheet" in the prevention and control of the epidemic: successful avoiding the most fierce period of the crown disease epidemic, the actual total mortality rate is far lower than that of the developed in the United States and Europe.The world, in the case of "the number of deaths in the hospital is lower than the actual total death toll", has concluded that the number of Chinese deaths "cannot reach four times the US 1.1 million times" conclusion.

Hu Xijin proposed that it is impossible to be four times the concept of the United States. It is believed that the population of the Chinese population is four times that of the American population. The proportion of crown disease is four times that of the United States, which means that the death rate is lower than the United States.

He also said that China has not fallen behind in economic and social development because of epidemic prevention.Faced with risk of new infections similar to other parts of the world in the future, China will not be more vulnerable than other countries because of liberalization.

WTO and other countries and regions "downgrade" crown disease

Tan Desai, Director -General of the World Health Organization, said at a press conference on December 14 last year that the coronary virus and monkey acneThe most dangerous stage of the epidemic has ended, and it is expected to eliminate these two diseases from the global public health emergency list next year.

The WHO in the statement on Monday's statement on Monday statementIt is pointed out that the crown disease epidemic is still a public health emergency that should be obtained internationally.(Reuters)

However, WHO also pointed out in the statement that the crown disease epidemic was still the public health emergency incident that should be obtained by the crown disease, but it was believed that it was "at this time""Transition node" needs to be managed with caution to "reduce potential negative consequences."

Three years ago, the WHO announced the first announcement of crown disease as "Global Public Health Emergency".Control measures and cooperate.

This is not the first time that the WHO has discussed whether to end the global emergency state of crown disease.In April last year, a member of the WHO had discussed the same topic, and the conclusion at the time was "far from relaxing the time."

On the other hand, the Bayeng government in the United States announced on the same day that the "crown disease epidemic situation is still public health" announced on the same day that the emergency status of the crown disease in the past three years will be officially officially officially officially officially official after May 11 this year.Finish.At the same time, South Korea and Hong Kong, which are relatively conservative in epidemic prevention, are also considering losing the last line of defense -mask order.

On January 30, South Korea was lifted from South Korea.On the first day of wearing a mask order, some of the shoppers in a shopping mall in Seoul chose not to wear a mask, and some people continued to wear a mask.(Reuters)

Coming together on Monday, in addition to high -infected risk places such as public transportation and medical institutions in South Korea, other indoor places do not wear masks.Local experts say the mask order will be completely lifted in May as soon as possible.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said on Tuesday that after the peak of the winter flu, the government will consider whether to cancel the mask order.

The network virus disappears mysteriously under the strong impact of the sun storm?

Both Chinese officials and folk netizens realized that everyone was extremely alert to this year's Spring Festival this year.The terrible situation of the Bobo epidemic out of the outbreak did not seem to appear, and some netizens even felt "the virus disappeared overnight."

The three -year epidemic "disappear overnight" makes everyone puzzled.As a result, a number of short videos and articles that have recently reported that "the solar storm is here, the new crown death period is here" has recently been proven by the media. It has received the attention of many netizens.

These articles first moved out of the official news of Shanghai Observatory, saying that starting this year, the sun broke out within six days (January 5th to 11th).It inspired three powerful solar storms, and then quoted a popular science article that had summarized many epidemics in history to end in the sun storm. Finally, the conclusion of "super solar storm kills the coronary virus".

In fact, the above -mentioned popular science papers are published by a retired professor at the School of Earth Exploration and Technology of Jilin University in June 2021 in the article in the Science Network Blog District.This article did not arouse some popular sciences at the time: the Spanish flu that occurred in 1918 ended in early 1921 Tai TaiThe advent of the Yang storm; SARS (SARS), which occurred in 2002, disappeared in the Sun Storm that came in October 2003.The Middle East respiratory syndrome that occurred in 2016 ended in the impact of the solar storm in July 2017.

But take a closer look, these cases are also in line with the old saying in China: "The big epidemic is only three years". Except for these examples, the Great Plague of Athens, the infectious diseases broke out in London in 1665 in 1665It is also controlled within three years.Some netizens believe that even if it is not a sun storm, in accordance with this law, the crown disease epidemic has "expired".

The bipolar response of netizens

These metaphysical science and legends are difficult to verify, but they reflect the joy and puzzlement of the end of the netizen's end of the crown disease, soInterpreted as "magical nature".Some netizens also praised China to step on the precise steps, "easily setting up the new crown for a month", thanked "the country has protected us for three years".

Some netizens have continued the "virus conspiracy theory" pointed out, first understand whether the coronary virus comes from nature or made from the United States?If it is the latter, can the epidemic be over?

It is worth mentioning that in the voices of these praises and "shaking the pot", many netizens have launched criticism and reflection.Under the relevant posts, they asked whether the nucleic acid interest group would check and asked "why isn't it open in April 22" and ask if they dare to announce the real data of the first wave of epidemic, these voices have also been echoed by a lot of netizens.

The crown disease that has been raging global for three years has affected the world structure, and it has also reshaped the thinking of many people.If the epidemic is really over, of course, it is worth everyone to breathe.But when you go forward, if you look back at the way when you look at it, you will find that the sound of questioning is more valuable.