The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit the Russian capital Moscow this spring, and emphasized that this will become the top priority in the relationship between Russia and China.

Comprehensive Russian satellite news agency and Tas Society reported on Monday (January 30) that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that President Putin invited Xi Jinping to visit Russia in spring and emphasized that Russia and China will work together.Further strengthen and promote bilateral relations.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that as China continuously optimizes epidemic prevention measures, they look forward to face -to -face contact and exchange of face -to -face and exchanges at all levels.

Xi Jinping visited Russia in 2019 and met with Putin.The two met or talked several times last year, including in February to go to Beijing to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Xi Jinping had a phone call with Putin, and the two also met at Samarham, Uzbekistan in September.

Satellite News Agency and Reuters also quoted the Russian communiqué (Vedomosti, translated into a commercial daily earlier), saying that Wang Yi, director of the Office of the CPC Central Committee Foreign Affairs Working Committee, will visit Moscow on February 20, and there willMay meet with Putin.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Monday, and said on a response to Wang Yi's visit to Russia: "I don’t master the specific interviews you mentioned. China and Russia are comprehensive.Strategic collaboration partners, maintain close exchanges at all levels. "