France's implementation of epidemic prevention restrictions on immigration passengers from China will be extended to mid -February.Not Comprehensive Reuters and French media Le Monde reported that the French government announced a decree on Saturday (January 28) to stipulate extended from the implementation of epidemic prevention restrictions from Chinese entry passengers to February 15.Not Although Chinese officials have stated that the number of crown diseases has reached its peak, some experts warn that as millions of Chinese people reunite with their families during the Spring Festival holidays, cases in rural areas with poor ability may be in rural areas.rise.Not The French government announced on December 30, 2022 that starting from January 1, 2023, it will implement compulsory epidemic prevention restrictions on passengers from China.These include all passengers from China to France. Whether they are taking direct flights or turning in the middle, they must show a negative test certificate within 48 hours; all passengers must wear masks; and randomly test the nucleic acid tests on Chinese passengers arriving in France.Not According to the data released by the official website of the China Disease Control Center on Wednesday (January 25), from the relaxation of epidemic prevention restrictions on December 8, 2022, the data of crown disease infection has continued to decline.On the last day of this statistics (January 23) is the minimum value after the peak, of which the number of nuclear acid positives is 15,000, the number of antigen detection positive is 4,773, and the number of severe illnesses in the hospital is also reduced from more than 128,000 people to the peak.More than 36,000 people.