(Haikou Zhongxindian) Hainan's outlying islands duty -free market Spring Festival holiday shows a fiery market. Five days before the holiday (January 21st to 25th), the total sales of 12 outlying duty -free shops in the province were 1.685 billion yuan (RMB, the same as the same as the same as, S $ 327 million), an increase of 20.03%five days before the Spring Festival holiday in 2022, an increase of 325%over 2019.

The data provided by the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce on January 26 showed that the total sales of six outlying duty -free shops in Haikou was 470 million yuan, an increase of 140%year -on -year, an increase of 641%over 2019;Sales were 1158 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 4%, an increase of 253%over 2019.

The two newly opened islands duty -free shops in Hainan -Haikou International Duty Free City and Wangfujing International Duty Free Port performed well.

Both stores have aggregated the entire format of “tax+tax exemption” and catering and entertainment. By creating a one -stop consumer destination, it has attracted a large number of residents and tourists at the island.

Affected by the epidemic, in 2022, Hainan's outlying islands are not as expected.With the coming of winter tourism season, Hainan's ex -tax -free shopping is heating up quickly.

According to the data of Haikou Customs, from January 1st to 21st this year, the customs supervised a total of 3.26 billion yuan in tax -free shopping amounts, 344,000 shoppers, 3.83 million shopping parts, and a per capita shopping amount of 9,478 yuan.