Cai Yueyun Report

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Some Singapore and Chinese scholars believe that the future will be the world -led world.Chinese scholars point out that Sino -US relations are within the control scope of control, and there will be no major trade conflict, but they need to pay close attention to the competition and even sanctions in science and technology.

At the 2023 Outlook Forum organized by Bank of Singapore, Professor Ma Kaishuo, an outstanding researcher at the Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, said that the era of Western leading world history has come to an end, but Western countries are unwilling to accept this fact.

Asia is the fastest -growing economy in the world, but the main person internationally internationally financial institutions, such as the highest person in charge of the International Monetary Fund, must be Europeans and the World Bank President must be Americans. Asia with a population of 4 billion, but is not electedQualifications.

Ma Kaishuo is also a former ambassador to the United Nations in Singapore. His above example shows that he believes that the West is unwilling to accept the fact that the world is the Asian era.

Another lecturer of the forum is Professor Li Daokui, a Chinese economist.When he spoke through a video in China, he said that the relationship between China and the United States will be within the scope of control in the next 18 months.Chinese officials are pragmatic. The US President Biden's current leadership team is more professional, so at least before the next American election, the relationship between the two countries is within the controlled range.

When it comes to Sino -US trade relations, Li Daokui, who is also the dean of the Chinese Institute of Economic Thought and Practice of Tsinghua University, believes that in the next two years, there should not be a major trade conflict, because the current US government Bit Trump period is morePractical, knowing that if you do not maintain a good trade relationship with China, it will be difficult to suppress inflation, and it will be difficult to guarantee for supply of pharmaceutical materials and pharmaceutical equipment.

There will be major challenges in science and technology.Li Daokui said that the United States believes that technology is the only key factor that can help China and the United States, so the United States will sanction some Chinese companies and certain types of technology.China will make the same response in some ways.

In addition, Li Daokui pointed out that with the open border between China, more Chinese tourists come to the United States, and diplomatic relations may cause diplomatic relations due to the conflict between people.

Ma Kaishuo believes that China and the United States are launching the largest geopolitical competition ever.He said that the United States has realized that it has only ten years to prevent China from developing into the world's largest power.

He originally had a sorrowful attitude towards the Taiwan Strait relationship, but now he is less pessimistic, mainly because Bayeng met with Chinese officials last year that he would adhere to a Chinese policy.

Li Daokui said that if military conflicts occurred in the Taiwan Strait, the United States could not win at all, because geographically it was very close to China and Taiwan, and the military power of the mainland was far stronger than the United States. Once the conflict occurred, the United States would defeat.

During his speech, Ma Kaishuo believed that in the future, it is a new CIA era, which is the age of China, India, and ASEAN.He said that Ya'an achieved good achievements in maintaining peace and creating economically.Russia's Ukrainian war has not yet subsided, but the Asianan countries can maintain peace and the economy has continued to grow.

About 800 people attended the forum held at the Binhai Bay Sands Conference Center.