The National Medical Insurance Bureau of China announced on Wednesday (January 18) the adjustment of the national medical insurance and drug catalog and the new version of the catalog.This is the five consecutive years since the establishment of the Medical Insurance Bureau has adjusted the directory.This year's catalog adjustment is mainly for crown disease treatment, and 111 kinds of drugs have been added into the directory. Among them, two drugs such as Azf's fixed tablets and lung detoxification particles are officially included in the national medical insurance category through negotiations.

According to CCTV news reports, this year's directory adjustment is mainly for crown disease treatment, drugs for newly listed or modified in the past five years, national basic drugs, and rare medical drugs.Through this adjustment, 111 kinds of drugs are added to the directory, including chronic diseases, tumors, anti -infection, rare diseases, and crown disease treatment. At the same time, three drugs with the approval number of the cancellation of the approval text were called.The total number of drugs in the directory reached 2,967, including 1586 kinds of western medicine, and 1381 Chinese medicines, which comprehensively improved the level of medical insurance drug protection.

Compared with the original market price, the price of drugs incorporated through negotiations decreased by 60.1%, which was basically the same as in 2021, with a maximum decrease of more than 90%.

It is reported that since the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, it has been negotiated for five years of medical insurance directory, and a total of 361 new drugs have been included in the directory.In the directory, the shortcomings such as tumor drugs, chronic diseases, rare diseases and children's medication are gradually supplemented. The drug structure and efficacy level in the medical insurance directory are greatly optimized.Preliminary statistics, superimposed prices and medical insurance reimbursement factors, the burden on patients is about 460 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 89.6 billion).The new version of the catalog will be implemented on March 1st, and it is expected that the burden will be reduced by more than 90 billion yuan in the next two years.

According to the China New Finance and Economics, at the press conference of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalog in 2022, the medical insurance negotiations fully support the treatment of coronary virus infection.For the third consecutive year, the treatment of crown disease was used as the access condition for medical insurance directory. The two drugs such as Azf's fixed tablet and clearing pulmonary detox particles were officially included in the national medical insurance drug catalog through negotiation.

Among the 25 have been listed drugs involved in the diagnosis and treatment plan of the tenth edition of the new crown virus infection and treatment, 21 varieties have been officially included in the national medical insurance directory.In addition, medical insurance negotiations continue to support drugs to enter the directory.Supporting major innovative drugs in China to enter the directory. This time, a total of 24 Chinese -produced major innovative drugs were included in negotiations, and 20 drug negotiations such as Orebatinib were successfully negotiated.At the same time, there are 7 rare medical medications, 22 children's medication, and 2 basic drugs have been successfully included in the directory.