For the Chinese officials attended the BRICS Summit in person, interviewees analyzed that Beijing attaches great importance to maintaining the relationship with developing countries.However, it is rumored that China intends to promote the BRICS countries to become a competitor of the Seventh Kingdoms Group (G7). Scholars believe that countries are not consistent with Western attitudes. The summit can form a consensus that intentionally reforms the global governance system and has conforms to Beijing's interests.

China official at the invitation of the President of South Africa, Rama Tosa, and went to Johannesburg to attend the BRICS Leaders Summit on Monday (August 21) and visited South Africa in South Africa.Non -leader dialogue.This is the second visit this year after the Chinese official visits to Russia in March.

Before the summit, the British Financial Times reported that China plans to promote the BRICS countries to become a comprehensive competitor of the G7.The report also quoted Chinese officials who were unwilling to disclose their names that if the scale of the BRICS Group could be expanded, the ratio of the G7 in the global GDP (regional GDP) will be similar, and it will enhance the influence of the BRICS countries.According to data from the International Monetary Fund, in 2022, the GDP of the BRICS countries accounted for 25.8%of the world's, and the G7 accounted for 42.9%.

In the written speech published by China on Monday, China ’s official Monday also mentioned expectations for this summit.

According to a statement of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, China officially pointed out that as an important platform for cooperation between emerging market countries and developing large powers, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has become the constructive constructiveness of promoting world economic growth, improving global governance, and promoting democratization of international relations.strength.

He said that the meeting of leaders of the BRICS countries will become an important milestone in the development of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, and improve the unity of developing countries to a higher level.

In addition, China's official on Monday's signed articles published in South Africa media also mentioned that more and more countries hope to open the "BRICS Gate" and participate in BRICS cooperation.He said that China is willing to play with BRICS partners, "leading the BRICS cooperation mechanism to play a more important role in the global governance system."

BRICS countries are currently composed of five countries including China, South Africa, Brazil, India and Russia, but many countries have expressed their intention to join.It is generally expected to talk about whether to expand the organization by increasing the organization of new members and whether to modify the access standards. This summit will talk about the matter.

Regarding China's expectations for this summit, Wang Yili, a professor at the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, the global southern countries are looking forward to accelerating the construction of a payment system for the US dollar.Therefore, China will also expect this summit to form a consensus that reflects the unity of the global southern countries and hedge the US Western system.

But he admits that current countries are facing domestic politics and economic issues, and cooperation naturally has a lot of challenges. Therefore, whether it is the expansion of the BRICS expansion, it needs to be gradual in order to stabilize.

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, said in an interview that Beijing is very clear about the different attitudes of the BRICS countries to the United States. In addition, the BRICS cooperation mechanism is loose.It is also difficult to form a specific anti -US consensus.

He believes that, for Beijing, maintaining interaction with the BRICS countries is the focus of participating in this summit. As long as these countries can ensure that these countries support the reform of the global governance system, they have met China's interests.

According to the BBC Chinese website, Politics of Brazil and Russia recently suggested that a currency should be created for the BRICS Group to challenge the dominant position of the US dollar in international trade and finance.However, the Summit of the Summit of South Africa and Asian Ambassador Sukras have previously stated before that the issue is not on the agenda.

Song Wendi, a lecturer at the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, analyzed this newspaper. After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, China and Russia also faced Western pressure.There are more than enough.

But the "creative positive agenda" such as the US dollar depends on the promotion of Chinese funds. He believes that China is currently facing economic dilemma after epidemic.